To:       MTU Senate Constituency                                                                 October 19, 2009


From:   Rudy Luck, Senate President


The Senate is interested in polling its constituency regarding the changes in total compensation recently announced by President Mroz.  An outline of the changes is available on the University Senate website:  Go to the right side of the Senate’s webpage and under “Old Business” click on the words “Retirement and health care changes for 2010”.  This features the material used by Vice-President for Research, David D. Reed, and Manager of Benefit Services, Renee Hiller, in their respective Senate addresses outlining the justification for and the nature of the upcoming changes.  The video of this presentation is also available on the Senate website by going to “Senate Meeting Dates” and clicking on the number 480 (lit up in blue) in the middle of the page.


Additional information on your fringe benefits may be found on the website which states the details of the plan implemented one year ago.  Several forums will be held to explain the new policies and the dates and location for these are on the last page of the presentation material alluded to above.


The purpose of this quick poll is to find out what the Senate constituency thinks on the subject of total compensation.  This information will be compiled by the Senate office, discussed during the November 4, 2009 Senate meeting and be made available on the Senate’s website.


Polling instructions:

·         Responses that do not comply fully with the following instructions will be discarded.

·         Please circle only one response in your answer to each of the 4 questions on the following page. Mail your responses by Wednesday, October 28.

·         Fold this sheet and place it in the smaller envelope provided.  Seal this envelope.  Do not write anything on the surface of this envelope. 

·         Place this smaller envelope into the larger envelope, seal this up as well and on this envelope write your name on the space provided on the return address label, e.g, RUDY LUCK and then sign it if you wish, e.g., signature.bmp .

·         While my signature is legible, you do not all possess legible signatures. I know since I checked your ballots previously.  Therefore writing out the name is preferable to an illegible signature.  Material for data that is not signed and/or cannot be read will be discarded.

·         The Senate Assistant, Judi Smigowski, will receive all the envelopes.  After she verifies the name and/or signature, she will cross this off a listing of names, open the sealed inner envelope and place this immediately into a box.  This box will contain only the sealed inner envelopes with your responses and there will be two such boxes, i.e., one for faculty and the other for professional staff.

·         The Senate Elections Committee will assist in the tabulation of your responses.


Mail your responses by Wednesday, October 28.


1.  President Mroz and the executive team have proposed changes in the Universities’ retirement contribution structure for next year.  Do you SUPPORT these changes?


         A. YES

         B. NO

         C. No opinion





2.  President Mroz and the executive team have proposed changes to the health benefits for the university community next year.  Do you SUPPORT these changes?


         A. YES

         B. NO

         C. No opinion





3.  Do you SUPPORT the current communication process of the benefit plans: announcements, informational meetings, and then choose the available plans all within 2 weeks?


         A. YES

         B  NO

         C. No opinion






4.  President Mroz and the executive team have stated: “These changes will make it easier for the University to attract and maintain excellent faculty and professional staff".  Do you AGREE with this statement?


        A.  YES

        B.  NO

        C.  No opinion