The University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Minutes of Meeting 527

12 December 2012


Synopsis:  Presentation:  “Financial Presentation” by Dr. Glenn Mroz, President and Dr. David Reed, VP for Research      


1. Call to order and roll call. President Bill Bulleit called the University Senate Meeting 527 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, December 12, 2012. The Senate Secretary Brian Barkdoll called roll. Absent was a representative of the Army/Air Force ROTC, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, Visual and Performing Arts, and Enrollment. 

Recognition of visitors. Guests included Glenn Mroz, (President’s Office), Max Seel (Provost’s Office), David Reed (Vice President for Research’s Office) and Ellen Horsch (Vice President for Administration’s Office).

2. Approval of agenda. Bulleit asked if there were any changes; there being none Bulleit called for a vote, which was APPROVED.    


3. Approval of minutes from Meeting 526.  Bulleit asked if there were any changes.  There being none, Bulleit called for a vote, which was APPROVED.


4. Presentation:  “Financial Presentation” by Dr. Glenn Mroz, President and Dr. David Reed, VP for Research      


Mroz gave a history of the planning of the university goals and planning (click here for slides).  Barr asked if there are tactics to achieve the goals, to which Mroz and Reed answered that there are and many are done at the unit level.  Reed stated that Bulleit had sent questions ahead of time to be answered.  Vable asked if we are running deficits, to which Reed explained that last year there was a deficit.  Vable asked why our balance is lower than other universities, to which Reed and Mroz responded that it’s nothing to be alarmed at and that a deficit may influence whether or not the state will cut our appropriations.  Regarding Reed’s point regarding the faculty and administration salaries below our peer groups, Barkdoll asked if its important to raise salaries, to which Reed replied that the Board of Control (BOC) is tracking this and other things and has targets to bring salaries to parity.  Barr asked if there will be salary increases for 2013, to which Mroz and Reed responded that that will be discussed at the BOC meeting that week.  There are many shifting factors including the economy and enrollment that affect the decision.  Regarding health care budgets, Reed explained that future budgets are partly based on a 7%-increase cap from the health care provider.  Vable stated that we need a significant number of students to pay full tuition to increase income, to which Reed explained that about 9% of undergraduate students pay full tuition currently.  Regarding a possible tiered-tuition scheme, Mullins replied that students are taking less credits to offset costs.  Bulleit asked about the ambitions endowment goal for the 2035 plan, to which Herbig and Mroz explained that future campaigns and returns will increase the endowment.  In conclusion, Reed stated that we must have a diversified and flexible approach to deal with changing circumstances.


5.  Reports

a.  Senate President

Bulleit stated that Senate Proposals 6-13, 8-13, and 9-13 have been passed by the administration.  In addition, he stated that the university is required to have each instructional employee sign an oath.


b.  Senate Standing Committees

The Senate Election Committee announced the two new members of the CATPR (Woods and Lu) and the results of the referendum on a tobacco-free campus.  There were 1022 eligible voters with 667 responses for a 65% response rate.  The results were: 29% to maintain the current Senate Policy 908.1,  31% to extend the current Senate policy to disallow all tobacco use in buildings and within a certain distance from the buildings (e.g., 50 ft), and 40% for a completely tobacco-free campus.  There was some discussion on how to interpret the results, with some stating that it was 60% against a tobacco-free campus and 40% for it and others stating that the results meant that there were 70% for some change and 30% against a change.  Bulleit stated that he would encourage the administration to hold off on implementing the tobacco-free campus.  In addition, he would bring up the issue of the Senate not being consulted on the University Learning Goals.  He will encourage the administration to get Senate feedback early in the decision process on all future issues.


6.  Old Business:

      a. Proposal 10-13:  Proposal for a Spin-Off from “B.S. in Management” to a B.S. in Management with a Concentration in Supply Chain and Operations Management”.


Bulleit called for a vote and the proposal was APPROVED.


Seel said that he told the BOC that this would not be on the BOC meeting agenda if the Senate did not approve it.


7.  New Business:



8.  Adjournment. 

President Bulleit adjourned the meeting at 7:12pm.


Respectfully submitted

by Brian Barkdoll

Secretary of the University Senate


Video available at under the ‘Meetings’ link on the left of the screen.