University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Proposal 27-94

Mid-Term Grade Report Policy

For courses numbered 0 - 299 all students with freshman or sophomore standing will receive mid-term grade reports. They are due on Friday of the 5th week of the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters and the Registrar's Office is responsible for distributing them so they are received before Friday of the 6th week of the Quarter. A grade of SAT will indicate satisfactory work, a grade of UNS will indicate unsatisfactory work, and grade of M will indicate no grade was received from an instructor. (Students should see their instructors in such cases if they have any question about their mid-term status.) Turning in mid-term grade reports is a mandatory instructional policy.

No mid-term grades will be issued for courses numbered 300 or higher and only students with freshman or sophomore standing will receive mid-term grade reports. However, it is strongly recommended that instructors inform all the students in their classes about their mid-term grade status by the end of the 5th week of a Quarter.


Referred to Instructional Policy Committee: May 1994