University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Proposal 16-94

Recommendation for a Smoke-Free Campus


(Original Proposal)

Michigan Technological University should prohibit smoking in all university buildings including private offices, and at all campus functions unless accommodations have been made to provide separate ventilation for a designated smoking area. This policy shall apply equally to students, faculty, staff, administration, and visitors. The university should also prohibit the advertising and sale of tobacco products and smoking paraphernalia on campus. This policy should take effect September 1, 1994.


(Modified and Implemented Proposal)

Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings, including private offices, and at all campus functions, unless accommodations have been made to provide separate ventilation for a designated smoking area.

Residence halls are exempted from this policy, but residents may choose to implement such a policy through their own governance process.

This prohibition shall apply equally to students, faculty, staff, administration, and visitors.

This policy shall take effect on September 1, 1994.


Adopted by Senate: April 6, 1994
University Policy (Proposal 16-94 modified) effective September 1, 1994

Proposal 16-94 became Senate Policy 908.1 and was rescinded on 23 January 2013