The Senate of Michigan Technological University



Each Department/School shall develop a charter by the end of the 1992-93 academic year.

The purpose of the charter is to provide clear documentation of the unit's operating procedures. After this charter is approved by the department and the administration, it shall become a public document kept in the MTU Library. A description of the process by which the charter may be revised must be included in each charter. Additional suggestions and requirements for charters are detailed in Appendix 5-92 (see below)


Appendix 5-92: Guidelines for Department/School Charters

Every department/school must develop a charter.

1. The department/school charter delineates the responsibilities of the supervisors and those of the faculty. The delineation includes but is not limited to the following
     a. Hiring of new faculty
     b. Merit increases
     c. Tenure and promotion
     d. Teaching assignments and loads
     e. Space and facility allocation
     f. Admission of graduate students
     g. Allocation of GTA's and fellowships
     h. Allocation of travel funds
     i. Curriculum development
     j. External funding and department revenues
     k. Hiring and management of staff

2. The charter describes and/or defines unit procedures which include, but are not limited to the following areas:
     a. the process by which the unit defines its long-term goals. Unit members receive a copy of these goals.
     b. the process by which the unit defines its goals for the period of appointment of the supervisor. Unit members receive a copy of these goals.
     c. any teaching/research responsibility of the supervisor
     d. the process by which new faculty, staff or administrative positions are created
     e. any other administrative positions and its responsibilities
     f. the responsibility and election/appointment process for each standing committee in the department
     g. the election/appointment process for department representative for senate, college and university standing committees
     h. the number of members that will serve on the evaluation committee of the unit supervisor and on the search committee for the unit supervisor
     i. any limitation on the number of terms the supervisor may serve
     j. the process by which merit increases are decided, and the process by which the unit statistics used to decide these increases are communicated to the unit
     k.the process by which changes to the charter will be initiated. Changes to the unit charter can be made by a simple majority of the senate voting constituency
        in the unit. The changes are approved and signed by the Provost, and, in the case of department charter, by the Dean of the College.
     l. describes by title designation the voting constituency in the unit for selection of unit supervisor, evaluation for reappointment of supervisors, changes to this
        charter, etc.
     m. the selection process of the interim unit supervisor

3. The charter defines the minimum salary of the unit supervisor. This minimum salary is calculated using the following formula:

A = (F + S) * N/9

            A = Supervisor's salary
            N = Number of months of pay/year
            F = Faculty salary of the candidate for nine months
            S = Fixed sum increase in the salary

The unit in consultation with the administration establishes the fixed sum increase in the salary (S) and the number of months the supervisor will be paid in a year (N).

The following formula is used for calculating the salary when the supervisor returns to the position of a faculty member:

F = A * 9/N - S

Additional salary increases can be negotiated by the individual candidates with the unit supervisor's senior. In such cases, the salary formula when the supervisor returns to the position of the faculty member is reported at the time of appointment/reappointment.

Any other changes to the university evaluation process requires petitioning the university senate and is subject to the conditions outlined for changes in the evaluation process.

4. The charter provides for the dissemination of budget information to each unit member. This information includes, but is not limited to:
     a. General fund budget with appropriate categories
     b. SS and E budget
     c. Total dollar amount in each research account
     d. Release time dollar amount given to the unit from each research account
     e. Any account from which the unit obtains revenue (e.g., Tech Fund)

5. A copy of the charter is kept in the library.

The following conditions apply to Proposals 5-92 through 9-92:

1. Departments/schools will be asked to follow these procedures in 1992-93. If all parts of the procedures are not followed, the unit committee should inform the
    senate president, in writing the reasons for the changes and the aspect of the procedure that should be retained during revision. This information will be used by
    the senate for revising the procedures.

2. Editorial or procedural changes next year and in the future may be made by the senate, but any changes that affect faculty governance will require faculty

3. A simple majority of eligible faculty is needed to approve changes.


Defeated in Referendum: Spring 1992
Combined Proposals 4-92, 5-92, 6-92, and 8-92 to form Proposal 16-92