The Senate of Michigan Technological University

Amended by Proposal 24-99




The current Repeat Rules (page 11, 85-87 Catalog) state:

A student may not repeat a course in which he or she has received a grade of C or better. Only the most recent grade for the first 20 credits of those courses repeated only once will be used to calculate the grade point average. Thereafter, all grades and credit hours will be averaged. A complete record of all grades shall appear on the student's official transcript.

The catalog copy then continues with several paragraphs of interpretation, implementation, and enforcement statements.

The Instructional Policy Committee recommends that the current repeat rule be replaced with the following:



An undergraduate student may not repeat a course in which he or she has earned a grade of C or better. When a course is repeated, the most recent grade earned will be used to calculate the grade point average, credits earned toward graduation, and determination of class standing. A complete record of all grades will appear on the student's official transcript.

A student who wishes to repeat the same course more than twice, may do so only with the permission of the Dean of Students and the student's academic advisor.

Courses exempt from the repeat rule are those that may be repeated for credit as indicated in the course description in the MTU catalog. Also excluded are varsity sports, including athletic conditioning, cheerleading, Army and Air Force ROTC, competitive courses, and the music organization/ensemble courses. Also exempt are courses taken as audits.

This repeat rule becomes effective in the Fall, 1988 and applies to all enrolled undergraduate students at that time. This repeat policy supercedes all prior repeat policies.


Adopted by Senate: 17 February 1988
Supported by President: 15 March 1988
See Also Proposal 24-99