The Senate of Michigan Technological University



The purpose of this proposal is to require the departmental structure to be formalized in a document which outlines the rights and responsibilities of the faculty and departmental leadership and to provide for faculty and administrative approval of the departmental structure. A written departmental plan will help the faculty and administration work together cooperatively to improve the qualify of education and research.

In the text below, the term "administrative officers" shall include the Head/Chair of the department, the Dean of the appropriate college and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

  1. Each department shall have a document specifying its method of governance. The departmental document shall contain the following key ingredients:
    1. A departmental objective statement.
    2. The long-range goals of the department.
    3. A statement of administrative policies defining:
      1. the flow of information
      2. the decision-making authority of the department Head/Chair
      3. an appeals process should the faculty feel misrepresented
    4. A declaration of the organizational structure including:
      1. definitions (defining the roles of administrators and faculty)
      2. key functions

        The departmental document shall contain a detailed description of how the department shall perform the key functions which may include but are not limited to the following:

        Executive function: allocation of authority and decision-making process.

        Faculty development function - provide guidance and review of faculty member's progress; formulate tenure, promotion and salary recommendations; conduct research and make recommendations on selection of new faculty.

        Departmental policy function - review current policies and evaluate new policies regarding departmental administration and programs.

        Departmental evaluation function - evaluate and report to the faculty and appropriate administrative officers, at least yearly, the progress of the department with respect to departmental goals and implementation of the departmental document as a whole.

  2. The contents of the document shall be established by discussion among the department faculty and the appropriate administrative officers.

  3. Signatures of the administrative officer and a two-thirds majority vote by the department faculty shall constitute mutual approval of the final form of the document. The document may be reviewed at any time, but must be reviewed at least every three years. The document in its revised or original form shall be subject to a two-thirds majority vote of the faculty and signatures of the appropriate administrative officers.

  4. The documents shall be available to all members of the faculty and administration of Michigan Technological University.

  5. In the event of the failure to reach an agreement on a document, an appeal may be made to the Senate. The Senate President shall, in consultation with the University President, establish a committee of three chaired by a Senator. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to all parties involved.

  6. The departmental documents shall not be considered grounds for litigation against Michigan Technological University or any of its employees.



Replaces Failed 8-83
Adopted by Senate: 8 February 1984
Rejected by Administration for being inflexible
See Proposal 16-92