The Senate of Michigan Technological University

Superseded by Current Constitution and Bylaws



The Constitution of the Senate of Michigan Technological University shall be amended to include the following items (new items underlined):

Article III - Membership:

A4. One student member selected by the Michigan Technological University Student Council.

For election to the Senate, a two-year residency shall be required except for ROTC personnel and the student member.

B. Terms of Office: The term of office of an elected member shall be three years except as set forth in (C), (D), and (E) below.

E. Term of Office and Vacancies of the Student Member: The term of office of the member selected by the Student Council shall be for one year. Vacancy in the student membership created by resignation or otherwise may be filled by appointment by the President of the Student Council.


Proposal Adopted by Senate: 6 October 1971
Approved by Faculty Referendum: 19 January 1972
Approved by Board of Control: 10 February 1972
See Current Constitution and Bylaws