The Senate of Michigan Technological University




Whereas Proposal 2-70, in part, calls for the establishment of a faculty scholarship fund for disadvantaged students; and whereas the Senate has been asked to recommend means for the implementation of Proposal 2-70; now, therefore, be it resolved that the Senate recommends the establishment of a faculty scholarship fund on the following basis:


  1. Funds shall be solicited from faculty members early in the fall term. Donations shall be made to the University Development Fund, and the scholarships shall be administered by appropriate arrangements acceptable to the Development Fund.

  2. That portion of the MTU Four Million Fund to be devoted to scholarships should be considered as an additional source.

  3. Industrial concerns should be informed of the scholarship and its purpose and urged to contribute to the fund.

  4. The value of each scholarship is nominally $800.

  5. Funds solicited for the following year will be divided equally among the current recipients who appear t the scholarship committee to be capable of continuing undergraduate study at Michigan Technological University. The maximum amount granted will be $800.

  6. Remaining funds will be used to provide as many $800 scholarships as possible to incoming freshmen.

  7. Any remaining funds will be retained for the succeeding year's financing.


In awarding the scholarship to incoming freshmen, the scholarship committee will consider two types of criteria: criteria which must, in all cases, be satisfied, and criteria which should be considered as recommended guidelines but not mandatory prerequisites.

  1. Mandatory Criteria
    1. The applicant must be a Michigan resident.
    2. The applicant must be highly recommended by a high school teacher, guidance counselor, or high school administrator as having the potential for success.
    3. The applicant must be financially unable to attend college.

  2. Recommended Guidelines
    1. The recipient should be a student who normally would not qualify for a scholarship because of his academic or social record.
    2. The recipient should be a disadvantaged member of a minority group.

Proposal Adopted by Senate: 8 April 1970
Approved in Principle by President: 27 July 1970