The Senate of Michigan Technological University

Superseded by Current Constitution



Proposed: That the Senate Constitution be amended by deleting the number and the first portion of Article III, Section A. 4: "4. One member from the Sault Ste. Marie branch."

Article III, Section A, reads as follows:

Article III - MEMBERSHIP: A. Number and Composition: Membership in the Senate shall consist of 1. The President of the University and his designated representative. 2. One member elected from and by each of the academic and research departments of the University. 3. Six members of the General Faculty elected at large. 4. One member from the Sault Ste. Marie branch. For election to the Senate, a two-year residency shall be required, except for ROTC personnel.

Proposal Adopted by Senate: 14 January 1970
Approved by Board of Control: 8 May 1970
Superseded by Current Constitution