The Senate of Michigan Technological University




Whereas the definition of "General Faculty" is often required in communications and procedures, and

Whereas there does not now exist such a definition,

The Senate of the Michigan Technological University recommends the following statements as definitive of the term "General Faculty":

Section I. The General Faculty of the University shall be considered the members of the Academic, the Administrative, and the Operational Faculties.

Section II. Interpretive Terms used within the Statement

  1. "Member" of a faculty of this University shall be assigned by the President of the University to his respective Faculty according to his qualifications and conditions of employment.
  2. "Learned Professions" shall mean these professions (or members thereof) skilled in a calling or vocation requiring advanced knowledge as evidenced by a "Bachelor" degree from a recognized College or University.
  3. "Engaged in teaching" shall be interpreted to mean that the person is to teach during each academic quarter of the normal academic year that he is in residence.
  4. "Appointed by the Dean of Graduate Students" shall imply appointment to the Graduate Faculty as defined by the Graduate Council. This is limited to those with advanced degrees or equivalent experience, as well as interest and experience in research or teaching on the Graduate level.
  5. "Equivalent experience" shall be determined by the President of the University.

Section III. The General Faculty of the University

A. The Academic Faculty shall consist of the Undergraduate, Graduate and Research Faculties.

  1. The Undergraduate Faculty shall consist of the members of the learned professions who are engaged in teaching for a degree in one of the learned professions and/or the direct supervision thereof.
  2. The Graduate Faculty shall consist of members of the Academic Faculty who have been appointed by the Dean of the Graduate Studies (or equivalent position) in the University.
  3. The Research Faculty shall consist of the members of the learned professions who are engaged primarily in conducting research and/or the direct supervision thereof.

B. The Administrative Faculty shall consist of members of the University engaged in the determination of the educational policies of the University. They shall be members of the learned professions or possessors of equivalent experience and appointed by the Board of Control of the University.

C. The Operational Faculty shall consist of members of the learned professions or possessors of equivalent experience who are engaged in administrating the business and other operational activities of the University.

Section IV. Membership on the Faculty

  1. A faculty member may qualify for one or more of the above defined faculties.
  2. All line administrative officials shall be considered members of that faculty.
    a. As example: President, Vice President, Dean, Department Head, and Instructor of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty
    b. As example: Vice President of Research (if any) would not be a member of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty
  3. Administrative Officers shall be members of the Administrative Faculty whether or not they are also members of other Faculties.
    a. As example: President, Vice-President, Dean of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty, Department Head
    b. As example: Dean of Students, Registrar (if engaged in determining educational policies)
  4. Members of the professional Library staff shall be considered members of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty.
  5. Administrative officers whose duties do not include administration of educational policies shall be included in the Operational Faculty
    a. As example: The Controller, Treasurer, Directors
    b. As example: The Registrar (if not engaged in determining educational policy)



Proposal Adopted by Senate: 24 January 1968
Approved by Board of Control: 7 June 1968