The University Senate of Michigan Technological University



 (Voting Units: Full Senate)



Proposal Background/Justification:

Proposal 2-07 (Senate Procedure 801.1.1) item 11.0 states the following: "The Search Committee should inform the Senate of any changes it deems necessary in the search procedure." This proposal details the changes that the Provost Search Committee of 2009-2010 deem necessary to the procedure.

The justification for these changes are as follows:

1.  A 16 member committee is too large.  The committee was cumbersome and awkward at least initially.  No one knew one another.  It did get better as the committee met and met, but it is not constructive since it was difficult to schedule a time for everyone and there was time wasted with catch-up because of that.  This change in committee structure is the major change in the procedure. 
2.  A smaller size saves money.

3.  The present structure does not afford the flexibility to go after a more experienced committee to begin with.  Each executive position is different and requires different expertise.  The new procedure allows for greater flexibility and choice. 

4.  We have more executive positions which were not clearly defined in the previous procedure. This is now up to date.

5.  The old 3.7 was never implemented.

6.  The search is made stronger by insisting in 7.1 that the Initiator attend the interviews. 
7.  Considering the change in committee structure, the previous search would have accomplished identical goals if it wished with all the various interviews scheduled.  This should really be left for the committee to decide.

8.  Most of the other changes reflect how the search procedure was conducted, certain events were not attended by anyone, and other changes are made since the stated procedure was never followed.

9.  The senate minutes should reflect the discussion on these changes and will provide useful insights for subsequent committees to adopt.

Proposal:  (the strike-through language is to be removed and language in red is to be added)

The Board of Control has assigned to the University Senate responsibility for establishing policy in some areas of academic and research matters. The search procedure described here is for University administrators who constitute the executive team, excluding the President. at the level of vice provost and above, whose responsibilities lie partially or wholly within those assigned areas. At the time of writing of this procedure, titles of these administrators include the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Research, and the Vice President for Student Affairs

This policy does not apply to searches for other second- and third-echelon administrators. For such searches, this procedure may be used in whole or part at the discretion of the President.

1.0 Initiation
1.1 The Initiator of a search will be the President, or the Provost if appropriate executive as designated by the President.

2.0 Formation of the Search Committee
2.1 The Search Committee will consist of fifteen members:

      Constituency                                            Elector                         Number of Representatives

      Faculty                                         University Senate                                               4

      Professional Staff                      University Senate                                               1
      Department Chairs                    President or Provost                                           1
      Deans                                          President or Provost                                           1
      Staff                                              Staff Council                                                       2

      Graduate Students                    GSC                                                                      1

      Undergraduate Students          USG                                                                      1

      At-large                                        President or Provost                                           3
      University Senate President    ---                                                                           1

                                                                                                                                    15 TOTAL

2.1 This procedure applies automatically for the following positions:  Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Research, and Vice President for Student Affairs.  For other executive vacancies, the initiator and the Senate President must meet to determine if it is necessary to implement this procedure.  They should also determine what sort of professional training and knowledge would constitute an appropriate committee for all searches.  The search committee can consist of up to 10 persons.  The initiator will request that the Senate selects up to four members from the Senate constituency.  The Senate Executive Committee will decide on the selection method.  The initiator will select up to four other persons.  One representative each from the undergraduate and graduate students may be selected if deemed appropriate for the purposes of the search.

2.2  The initiator will ask Human Resources to designate a representative to serve without vote.


2.2    Faculty Representatives: The President of the University Senate will serve on the Search Committee. The Search Initiator will ask the Senate to elect four other faculty representatives to the Search Committee. The representatives must be tenured or tenure-track faculty. One representative must be from the College of Engineering, one from the College of Sciences and Arts, and one from outside of the two colleges. One additional at-large representative will be elected. The Senate should endeavor to obtain a balance of race, gender, and academic rank in its election. Nominees, including self-nominees, should be solicited from the entire faculty with an open call for nominations. The election should be conducted so that each member of the Search Committee is elected by a majority vote of a quorum of the Senate.

2.3    Professional Staff Representative: The Search Initiator will ask the Senate to elect one representative to the Search Committee from the professional staff. Nominees, including self-nominees, should be solicited from the entire Senate constituency of professional staff with an open call for nominations. The election should be conducted so that the representative is elected by a majority vote of a quorum of the Senate.

2.4    Student Representatives: The Initiator will ask the Undergraduate Student Government and the Graduate Student Council each to elect one Committee representative and one alternate.

2.5    Staff Representatives: The Initiator will ask the Staff Council to select two staff members to serve on the Search Committee.

2.6    Department Chair Representative: The Initiator will select one department Chair to serve on the Committee.

2.7    Dean Representative: The Initiator will select one of the school Deans or college Deans to serve on the Committee.

2.8    At-large Representatives: The Initiator will select three other individuals to serve on the Committee.

2.9    The Initiator will ask Human Resources to designate a representative to serve without vote.

2.10 A list of the names of Committee members will be posted electronically, and will be submitted for publication in Tech Topics and The Lode.

3.0    Meetings

3.1    The first meeting of the Committee may be called as soon as at least a three-fourths majority of Committee members have been named.

3.21 The Initiator (President or Provost) will call the first meeting of the Committee, and will deliver the charge to the Committee. The Initiator will relate the guidelines for the search process including staffing and the budget for advertising and interviewing.

3.32 The Initiator will supervise the election of a chair and associate chair by written ballot, in closed session, at the first meeting. During the first meeting the Committee and the Initiator will specify the responsibilities of these individuals.

3.43 The Initiator and the Committee will agree on a target date for selection of the candidate and on other time lines of the search.

3.54 The Affirmative Action Officer and the Human Resources representative or other designated persons will provide an orientation for the Search Committee at the outset of the search, and will be available thereafter for any needed consultation. The Committee should discuss the legal issues involved in record keeping and be informed of their legal responsibilities and liabilities. As of the writing of this procedure, all notes and email correspondence must be kept for three years.

3.65 The representative from Human Resources will assist the Committee with its tasks of organizing paperwork, documenting activities, advertising the position, and following guidelines for the search and screening processes.

3.7    Searches will proceed under the principle of openness. Committee meetings will be open to members of the University community unless a closed meeting is necessary to maintain confidentiality.

3.8    The Search Committee should expedite the search process by forming working subcommittees for appropriate tasks.

4.0    Goals

4.1    In order to select appropriate candidates, the Search Committee must consider the goals, the mission, and the vision that have been published for the University and the unit(s) to be administered.


5.0    Position description and list of qualifications and attributes

5.1    The Initiator, with input from the Search Committee, with input from the Initiator, from Human Resources, from appropriate administrators, and from the Affirmative Action Office, will draft a position description (e.g., qualifications, duties, expected achievements, etc.) that is consonant with published goals.

5.2    Before soliciting candidates, and in consultation with the Initiator, the Committee will establish the essential qualifications and desired attributes (inter-personal skills, management style, etc.) of candidates, and will group (weight) the attributes by major and minor importance.

5.32 The draft position description and list of qualifications and attributes will be sent via email or otherwise to all faculty and staff, and will be posted electronically. Faculty, staff, and students will be invited to send comments to the Committee. The Committee will hold an open meeting of faculty, staff, and students to discuss the position description and the list of qualifications and attributes.

5.4    The Committee Initiator will consider the comments, and then write a final description and list of qualifications and attributes. The final version will be posted electronically and submitted for publication in Tech Topics  Today and The Lode. It will also be sent to all applicants.

6.0    Mechanism for identifying candidates

6.1    At the discretion of the President Initiator, the search may be conducted using the services of a search firm or consultants. The Search Committee will direct the efforts of the firm or consultants.

6.2    To ensure a diverse, well-qualified applicant pool that meets EEO requirements, the Committee should solicit applicants according to procedure established by the Affirmative Action Office and work with the Affirmative Action Officer.

6.3    In the case of an open search, the position will be advertised in appropriate professional journals and publications. Faculty and staff should be invited to nominate both internal and external candidates. Faculty should be encouraged to contact colleagues and to send them position advertisements.

6.4    The Committee will screen applicants according to its published criteria. If an applicant appears to be a strong contender for the position, the Committee will check applicant information (e.g., degrees, positions held) and references.

6.5    Within time and budgetary constraints, the Committee may schedule and hold screening interviews with a select pool of candidates (usually less than 10). The identity of those interviewed will be held in confidence.

6.63 As the search progresses, deviations from the budgetary guidelines must be approved by the Initiator.

7.0    Semifinalist candidates

7.1    The Committee, after reviewing vitae, reference letters, other relevant material, the results of any screening interviews, and the advice of the Affirmative Action Officer, will produce a short list of candidates. These candidates will be invited for on-campus interviews; they become semifinalists on acceptance of an interview.  The Initiator will attend these interviews.

7.2    For semifinalists the Committee will obtain independent assessments from referees not listed by these candidates. The Committee should solicit faculty and staff help for identifying appropriate referees.


8.0    Interview process

8.1    A short vita of each semifinalist candidate will be sent via email or otherwise to all faculty and staff of the University at least two work days prior to the campus visit. A full resume will be made available in posted electronically by the Human Resources Office for examination by all faculty, staff, and students of the University.

8.2    The interview process will include, among other assessments, the response to a hypothetical job situation that reveals how the candidate approaches problem-solving, decision-making, and ethics.

8.32 For on-campus interviews, the Committee will arrange and publicize a variety of opportunities, including at least two open forums, for faculty, staff, and students to meet and talk with each candidate.

8.43 The Search Committee will make appointments for the candidate to meet the Provost, the President, the Department Chairs, the Deans of Colleges and Schools, the Human Resources Director, and other appropriate personnel.  develop, with the Initiator’s approval, a standard interview schedule for each semi-finalist.

8.54 The Committee will invite to a separate meeting with the candidate, all faculty of the department in which the candidate would be tenured wishes residency.

8.6    The Committee will inquire whether the Board of Control wishes to interview any semifinalist.

8.75 Faculty, staff, and students will be invited to provide oral and written feedback to the Committee on the entire slate of semifinalist candidates, based on the published position description, qualifications and attributes. The Committee will share these comments with the Initiator.

9.0    Selecting the final candidate(s)

9.1    Selection of the final candidate(s) will begin only after the on-campus interview process for all semifinalist candidates is complete.

9.2    After considering the feedback from the University community, the Committee will develop in closed session a list of at most three acceptable individuals from the list of semifinalists.

9.3    The Initiator (President or Provost) will also develop a list of acceptable individuals from the list of semifinalists.

9.4    The Committee and the Initiator will meet and agree on mutually acceptable finalist candidate(s). If no agreement can be reached, the search will be reopened.

10.0 Negotiating salary and tenure

10.1 The Provost Initiator and/ or President will negotiate with the chosen finalist candidate(s). Should negotiations with the all acceptable  candidate(s) be unsuccessful, the Committee and President or Provost Initiator will meet to reach a consensual decision on the selection of the next acceptable finalist(s) from list of semifinalists applicants. The search will be reopened if no acceptable candidate is found.

10.2 If appropriate, T the President or Provost will negotiate tenure with the Chairs and Deans of appropriate academic units, and will make any recommendation of tenure to the Board of Control.

10.3 An explicit part of the negotiation will be salary as a tenured faculty member should the candidate resign from the administrative position.

10.43  Other professional benefits will be negotiated between the candidate and the appropriate administrative officer(s). The Search Committee will be informed of the final accepted offer.

11.0 Closure

11.1 The Search Committee should must inform the Senate of any changes it deems necessary in the search procedure.

 Clean Copy of Proposal Language:


The search procedure described here is for University administrators who constitute the executive team, excluding the President.

This policy does not apply to searches for other second- and third-echelon administrators. For such searches, this procedure may be used in whole or part at the discretion of the President.

1.0 Initiation
1.1 The Initiator of a search will be the President, or appropriate executive as designated by the President.

2.0 Formation of the Search Committee

2.1 This procedure applies automatically for the following positions:  Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Research, and Vice President for Student Affairs.  For other executive vacancies, the initiator and the Senate President must meet to determine if it is necessary to implement this procedure.  They should also determine what sort of professional training and knowledge would constitute an appropriate committee for all searches.  The search committee can consist of up to 10 persons.  The initiator will request that the Senate selects up to four members, to include both faculty and staff, from the Senate constituency.  The Senate Executive Committee will decide on the selection method.  The initiator will select up to four other persons.  One representative each from the undergraduate and graduate students may be selected if deemed appropriate for the purposes of the search.


2.2  The initiator will ask Human Resources to designate a representative to serve without vote.

3.0 Meetings

3.1    The Initiator will call the first meeting of the Committee, and will deliver the charge to the Committee. The Initiator will relate the guidelines for the search process including staffing and the budget for advertising and interviewing.

3.2    The Initiator will supervise the election of a chair and associate chair by written ballot, in closed session, at the first meeting. During the first meeting the Initiator will specify the responsibilities of these individuals.

3.3    The Initiator and the Committee will agree on a target date for selection of the candidate and on other time lines of the search.

3.4    The Affirmative Action Officer and the Human Resources representative or other designated persons will provide an orientation for the Search Committee at the outset of the search, and will be available thereafter for any needed consultation. The Committee should discuss the legal issues involved in record keeping and be informed of their legal responsibilities and liabilities. As of the writing of this procedure, all notes and email correspondence must be kept for three years.

3.5 The representative from Human Resources will assist the Committee with its tasks of organizing paperwork, documenting activities, advertising the position, and following guidelines for the search and screening processes.

3.6    Searches will proceed under the principle of openness. Committee meetings will be open to members of the University community unless a closed meeting is necessary to maintain confidentiality.

4.0    Goals

4.1    In order to select appropriate candidates, the Search Committee must consider the goals, the mission, and the vision that have been published for the University and the unit(s) to be administered.


5.0    Position description and list of qualifications and attributes

5.1    The Initiator, with input from the Search Committee, from Human Resources, from appropriate administrators, and from the Affirmative Action Office, will draft a position description (e.g., qualifications, duties, expected achievements, etc.) that is consonant with published goals.

5.2    The draft position description and list of qualifications and attributes will be posted electronically. Faculty, staff, and students will be invited to send comments to the Committee.

5.3    The Initiator will consider the comments, and then write a final description and list of qualifications and attributes. The final version will be posted electronically and submitted for publication in Tech Today  and The Lode. It will also be sent to all applicants.

6.0    Mechanism for identifying candidates

6.1    At the discretion of the Initiator, the search may be conducted using the services of a search firm or consultants. The Search Committee will direct the efforts of the firm or consultants.

6.2    To ensure a diverse, well-qualified applicant pool that meets EEO requirements, the Committee should solicit applicants according to procedure established by the Affirmative Action Office and work with the Affirmative Action Officer.

6.3    As the search progresses, deviations from the budgetary guidelines must be approved by the Initiator.

7.0    Semifinalist candidates

7.1    The Committee, after reviewing vitae, reference letters, other relevant material, the results of any screening interviews, and the advice of the Affirmative Action Officer, will produce a short list of candidates. These candidates will be invited for on-campus interviews; they become semifinalists on acceptance of an interview.  The Initiator will attend these interviews.

7.2    For semifinalists the Committee will obtain independent assessments from referees not listed by these candidates.


8.0    Interview process

8.1    A full resume will be posted electronically by the Human Resources Office for examination by all faculty, staff, and students of the University.

8.2    For on-campus interviews, the Committee will arrange and publicize a variety of opportunities, including at least two open forums, for faculty, staff, and students to meet and talk with each candidate.

8.3    The Search Committee will develop, with the Initiator’s approval, a standard interview schedule for each semi-finalist.

8.4    The Committee will invite to a separate meeting with the candidate, all faculty of the department in which the candidate wishes residency.

8.5    Faculty, staff, and students will be invited to provide oral and written feedback to the Committee on the entire slate of semifinalist candidates, based on the published position description, qualifications and attributes. The Committee will share these comments with the Initiator.

9.0    Selecting the final candidate(s)

9.1    Selection of the final candidate(s) will begin only after the on-campus interview process for all semifinalist candidates is complete.

9.2    After considering the feedback from the University community, the Committee will develop in closed session a list of at most three acceptable individuals from the list of semifinalists.

9.3    The Initiator will also develop a list of acceptable individuals from the list of semifinalists.

9.4    The Committee and the Initiator will meet and agree on mutually acceptable finalist candidate(s). If no agreement can be reached, the search will be reopened.

10.0 Negotiating salary and tenure

10.1 The Initiator and/or President will negotiate with the chosen finalist candidate(s). Should negotiations with all acceptable candidate(s) be unsuccessful, the Committee and Initiator will meet to reach a consensual decision on the selection of the next acceptable finalist(s) from list of applicants. The search will be reopened if no acceptable candidate is found.

10.2 If appropriate, the President or Provost will negotiate tenure with the Chairs and Deans of appropriate academic units, and will make any recommendation of tenure to the Board of Control.

10.3 Other professional benefits will be negotiated between the candidate and the appropriate administrative officer(s).

11.0 Closure

11.1 The Search Committee must inform the Senate of any changes it deems necessary in the search procedure.


Introduced to Senate: 31 March 2010
Three amendments (in blue) were added: 14 April 2010
Adopted by Senate with amendments: 14 April 2010
Approved by administration: 21 April 2010