The University Senate of Michigan Technological University




The granting of sabbatical leaves of absence is intended for the mutual benefit of the University and the person granted such a leave. Sabbatical leaves may be granted faculty members in order to provide a period of creative activity for the purpose of furthering professional competence (Board of Control Policy Manual, 6.1).

The January 1996 Report of the Faculty Development/Sabbatical Leave Policy Task Force found that MTU faculty are less likely to take a sabbatical than faculty at other Michigan institutions.

Academic administrators should be encouraged to promote sabbaticals as an avenue for faculty professional development.

To encourage more MTU faculty to take sabbatical leaves, the Senate recommends the following changes to the University's sabbatical leave program.

A. Generate a brochure to educate all faculty and academic departments on the sabbatical leave policy and avenues for funding. The brochure should be developed by the Center for Teaching, Learning and Faculty Development in coordination with Research Services and the Center for International Education.

B. Organize an annual seminar developed by the Center for Teaching, Learning and Faculty Development on "How to Prepare for a Sabbatical" that would provide information to faculty and academic departments about grants and fellowship programs at other universities, housing and other family concerns, building a budget for sabbatical, etc. Faculty returning from sabbatical would be expected to participate in the seminar and share their experiences.

C. Implement a policy that MTU-employed spouses accompanying faculty on a sabbatical leave would be granted a leave-of-absence from their present job with a guarantee they would return to their present or equivalent job and salary rate and the same retirement package when their spouse's sabbatical is completed.

D. Coordinate information about local "house-sitters" while the faculty member is on sabbatical leave.

Adopted by Senate: May 10, 2000
See Proposal 9-05