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Quick Navigation for Complete Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Acctg. Svcs.
3. Admissions
4. Affirm. Prog.
5. BOC/Gov. R.
6. Central Stores
7. Ed. Opp.
8. Fac. Mgmnt.
9. Human Res.
10. Info. Tech.
11. Intell. Prop.
12. Int. Auditor
13. Library
14. FFU
15. MUB
16. Merch. Grp.
17. Tech Fund
18. OSHS
19. Budgets
20. Prov. Office
21. Public Safety
22. Purchasing
23. Rec. Fac.
24. Res. & Sp. Prog.
25. Risk Mgt.
26. OSRR
27. Univ. Rel.

Complete Table of Contents for the
Operating Procedures Manual

2.2001 Special Fees and Use Charges (NEW format)
2.2013 Financial Records and Reporting (NEW format and includes the former 2.3. Account Classifications and Descriptions)
2.10. BANNER - Deleted - No longer current practice. Please see: http://www.mtu.edu/banner-reporting/
2.11.4. Interaccount Bill - Deleted - no longer current practice
2.11.5. Instructions on How to Use the Web IB Form- Deleted - no longer current practice
2.2006 Property Management (New policy format)

19.1. Operating Funds
19.1.1. Preparation and Review-General Fund
19.1.2. Preparation/Review of Other Operating Funds
19.1.3. General Fund Revisions

22.4.1. Emergency Orders
22.4.2. Advertising - Nonelectric Media
22.4.3. Business Cards - Deleted - No longer current practice
22.4.4. Unusual Equipment
22.4.5. Computers
22.4.6. Printing Services
22.4.7. Repair Work
22.4.8. Central Stores - Deleted - No longer current practice
22.4.9. Merchandise Group