ATTACHMENT A:  Proposed Changes

[Note for gopher version- the first two sections (A.1. and A.2) are not
changed with this proposal.  The changes in subsequent sections are shown
in a double column, with the proposed changes in the right-hand column. 
Some minor editorial changes are indicated with an X in the central column.

                               SENATE BYLAWS


  1. Executive Committee

    a. An Executive Committee of the Senate shall be established and
      shall consist of the officers of the Senate, and the chairs of the
      standing committees. The President of the Senate will preside at
      the meetings of this committee.

    b. The Executive Committee shall function as a steering committee of
      the Senate.  Normally, the Senate Officers conduct the day to day
      Senate business. 

    c. The Senate Officers and Executive Committee shall hold meetings at
      such intervals as to permit expeditious consideration of all
      matters to come before the Senate.

    d. Upon recommendation of the Senate, the Executive Committee may
      create, modify, or discharge the other committees of the Senate and
      shall assign to these committees appropriate duties within the
      function of the Senate.

    e. The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility to review
      and make recommendations on requests to correct or amend the con-
      stituency list or the representation unit list. It shall use
      ARTICLE II and the lists in Sections B and C of these Bylaws as
      guidelines in its deliberations. Its recommendations shall be
      submitted to the Senate for approval.

  2. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees of the University Senate

    a. Executive Committee
      1) As defined by the Bylaws
      2) Determine the Senate constituency (III-F-3-a-1) (see remark)
      3) Determine the Senate representation units (III-F-3-a-2)

    b. Academic Policy Committee
      1) The appointment, promotion, tenure, dismissal, and leaves of the
        academic faculty (III-F-1-a-6)
      2) Criteria for positions that are to be accorded academic rank
      3) Academic freedom:rights and responsibilities (III-F-1-a-8)
      4) Regulations concerning the awarding of honorary degrees

    c. Administrative Policy Committee
      1) Selection of the University President, the Provost, and other
        major university-wide administrators (III-F-3-b-7)
      2) Administrative procedures and organizational structure
      3) The evaluation of administrators (III-F-3-b-9)

    d. Board of Control Relations Committee
      1) Represent the Senate at Board of Control Meetings 
      2) Coordinate interaction between the Senate and the Board of

    e. Curricular Policy Committee
      1) All curricular matters, including establishment, dissolution,
        and changes in degree programs (III-F-1-a-1)
      2) Requirements for certificates and academic degrees (III-F-1-a-2)

    f. Elections Committee
      1) Ballot initiatives (VIII-D)
      2) Senate elections (Bylaws)
      3) University-wide elections (Bylaws)

    g. Finance Committee
      1) Fringe benefits (III-F-3-b-1)
      2) Allocation and utilization of the university's fiscal resources
      3) Student financial aid (III-F-3-b-6)

    h. Institutional Planning Committee
      1) Institutional priorities (III-F-3-b-2)
      2) Allocation and utilization of the university's human and
        physical resources (III-F-3-b-3)
      3) Admission procedures (III-F-3-b-5)
      4) General admission standards (III-F-3-a-3)

    i. Instructional Policy Committee
      1) Regulations regarding attendance, examinations, grading,
        scholastic standing, probation, and honors (III-F-1-a-3)
      2) Teaching quality and the evaluation of teaching (III-F-1-a-4)
      3) All matters pertaining to the academic calendar (III-F-1-a-5)

    j. Research Policy Committee
      1) Policy on all research issues and performance other than the
        allocation and distribution of resources (III-F-2-a)
      2) Policy and procedures on the allocation and distribution of
        resources (III-F-2-b)

    k. Ad Hoc Committees of the University Senate
      1) Procedures for the selection of Deans and Department Heads/Cha-
        irs (III-F-1-a-10)
      2) Requirements and criteria for unit charters for each academic
        degree-granting department or course-offering unit (III-F-1-a-11)
      3) Academic organization, including the establishment or
        elimination of schools, colleges, or departments and the
        reorganization of the academic structure (III-F-1-b-1)
      4) Any other appropriate duties within the function of the Senate

Remark Parenthetical items refer to the authority.  For example,
(III-F-3-a-1) refers to Article III, Section F, Paragraph 1, Part a, item
1 of the Senate constitution.  


  3. Election of Officers            |  3. Election of Officers         
      Following the annual spring    |    a. Following the annual spring
      elections to the Senate the    |      elections to the Senate the 
      election of Senate officers    |      election of Senate officers 
      for the next academic year     |      for the next academic year  
      shall be conducted by the      |      shall be conducted by the   
      Senate Elections Committee     |      Senate Elections Committee  
      in consultation with the       |      in consultation with the    
      Executive Committee. Nomina-   |      Executive Committee. Nomina-
      tions for a slate of offi-     |      tions for a slate of offi-  
      cers shall be obtained from    |      cers shall be obtained from 
      the Senate constituency        |      the Senate constituency     
      using regular ballot           |      using regular ballot        
      procedures. This slate shall   |      procedures. This slate shall
      be presented to the continu-   |      be presented to the continu-
      ing senators and the sena-     |      ing senators and the sena-  
      tors-elect at a special        |      tors-elect at a special     
      organizational meeting be-     |      organizational meeting be-  
      fore the end of the Spring     |      fore the end of the Spring  
      Quarter. After any addition-   |      Quarter. After any addition-
      al nominations from the        |      al nominations from the     
      floor, the officers for the    |      floor, the officers for the 
      next academic year will be     |      next academic year will be  
      elected at that meeting.       |      elected at that meeting.    
      They will be the officers-     |      They will be the officers-  
      elect of the Senate until      |      elect of the Senate until   
      the first day of the Fall      |      the first day of the Fall   
      Quarter when they assume       |      Quarter when they assume    
      their duties.                  |      their duties.               
                                     |    b. The President and Secretary
                                     |      shall have tenure.          
                                     |    c. The Vice President shall be
                                     |      from a unit other than an   
                                     |      academic degree-granting    
                                     |      department.                 
                                     |  4. At-large Senators shall be   
                                     |    from academic degree-granting 
                                     |    departments.  All of the Sen- 
                                     |    ate constituency vote for At- 
                                     |    large Senators.               
  4. Proposals                       X  5. Proposals                    
    a. A proposal may be intro-      |    a. A proposal may be intro-   
      duced by any member of the     |      duced by any member of the  
      Senate. It shall be sub-       |      Senate. It shall be sub-    
      mitted in writing to the       |      mitted in writing to the    
      Senate Officers at least 15    |      Senate Officers at least 15 
      days prior to the meeting at   |      days prior to the meeting at
      which it is to be presented.   |      which it is to be presented.
      A proposal sent from a Sen-    |      A proposal sent from a Sen- 
      ate Committee shall go         |      ate Committee shall go      
      directly to the whole          |      directly to the whole       
      Senate.  Proposals from        |      Senate.  Proposals from     
      outside of the Senate will     |      outside of the Senate will  
      be sent to an appropriate      |      be sent to an appropriate   
      Senate Committee or directly   |      Senate Committee or directly
      to the whole Senate based on   |      to the whole Senate based on
      initial determination by the   |      initial determination by the
      Senate Officers with the       |      Senate Officers with the    
      ultimate authority vested in   |      ultimate authority vested in
      the Executive Committee.       |      the Executive Committee.    
    b. The Senate Officers,          |    b. The Senate Officers,       
      through the Secretary of the   |      through the Secretary of the
      Senate, shall provide copies   |      Senate, shall provide copies
      of the proposal to all mem-    |      of the proposal to all mem- 
      bers of the Senate and post    |      bers of the Senate and post 
      a copy of it in the J. R.      |      a copy of it in the J. R.   
      Van Pelt Library at least 10   |      Van Pelt Library at least 10
      days prior to the meeting at   |      days prior to the meeting at
      which it is to be presented.   |      which it is to be presented.
    c. Determination of Eligible     |    c. Determination of Eligible  
      Senators                       |      Senators                    
      1) Before any proposal is      |      1) Before any proposal is   
        transmitted to the Senate    |        transmitted to the Senate 
        floor for approval, the      |        floor for approval, the   
        Senate Officers will make    |        Senate Officers will make 
        a recommendation of "Eli-    |        a recommendation of "Eli- 
        gible Senators".  The re-    |        gible Senators".  The re- 
        commendation will be based   |        commendation will be based
        on a reasonable inter-       |        on a reasonable inter-    
        pretation of the consti-     |        pretation of the consti-  
        tution.                      |        tution.                   
      2) This recommendation will    |      2) This recommendation will 
        be attached to the copies    |        be attached to the copies 
        of Proposals that are to     |        of Proposals that are to  
        be provided to Senators      |        be provided to Senators   
        and to the Library (Bylaws   |        and to the Library (Bylaws
        A.4.b.) by the Senate        X        A.5.b.) by the Senate     
        Secretary.                   |        Secretary.                
      3) In the instance of sub-     |      3) In the instance of sub-  
        mission of an Emergency      |        mission of an Emergency   
        Proposal from the Senate     |        Proposal from the Senate  
        floor, the Full Senate       |        floor, the Full Senate    
        shall vote on taking it up   |        shall vote on taking it up
        (Bylaws A.4.e.).             X        (Bylaws A.5.e.).          
      4) If the Senate agrees to     |      4) If the Senate agrees to  
        consider an Emergency        |        consider an Emergency     
        Proposal, the recommen-      |        Proposal, the recommen-   
        dation of "Eligible Sen-     |        dation of "Eligible Sen-  
        ators" shall be made by      |        ators" shall be made by   
        the Presiding Officer.       |        the Presiding Officer.    
      5) After a formal motion to    |      5) After a formal motion to 
        adopt a proposal has been    |        adopt a proposal has been 
        seconded, the Presiding      |        seconded, the Presiding   
        Officer shall ask for        |        Officer shall ask for     
        objections to the recom-     |        objections to the recom-  
        mendation of "Eligible       |        mendation of "Eligible    
        Senators".  If there are     |        Senators".  If there are  
        any objections, the recom-   |        any objections, the recom-
        mendation of "Eligible       |        mendation of "Eligible    
        Senators" shall be           |        Senators" shall be        
        established according to     |        established according to  
        constitutional procedures    |        constitutional procedures 
        Article III, Section E and   |        Article III, Section E and
        F.                           |        F.                        
      6) The Eligible Senators may   |      6) The Eligible Senators may
        vote to expand groupwise     |        vote to expand groupwise  
        the subset of Eligible       |        the subset of Eligible    
        Senators for a vote on any   |        Senators for a vote on any
        proposal.                    |        proposal.                 
      7) The membership of the       |      7) The membership of the    
        Full Senate is eligible to   |        Full Senate is eligible to
        debate any proposal, with-   |        debate any proposal, with-
        out regard to the voting     |        out regard to the voting  
        recommendation.              |        recommendation.           
    d. The Executive Committee may   |    d. The Executive Committee may
      attach recommendations with    |      attach recommendations with 
      reasons therefor to any pro-   |      reasons therefor to any pro-
      posal before its distribu-     |      posal before its distribu-  
      tion.                          |      tion.                       
    e. Emergency Submission of a     |    e. Emergency Submission of a  
      Proposal                       |      Proposal                    
      A proposal which cannot meet   |      A proposal which cannot meet
      the requirements set forth     |      the requirements set forth  
      in 4a above may be submitted   X      in 5a above may be submitted
      from the floor of the Senate   |      from the floor of the Senate
      at any meeting of the Senate   |      at any meeting of the Senate
      provided the Senate by a       |      provided the Senate by a    
      majority secret ballot vote    |      majority secret ballot vote 
      agrees to take it up at that   |      agrees to take it up at that
      meeting.                       |      meeting.                    
    f. Adoption of a Proposal        |    f. Adoption of a Proposal     
      1) A quorum of eligible        |      1) A quorum of eligible     
        senators (see Definitions    |        senators (see Definitions 
        5b below) shall be re-       X        6b below) shall be re-    
        quired to transact busi-     |        quired to transact busi-  
        ness and a majority vote     |        ness and a majority vote  
        of them shall be required    |        of them shall be required 
        for the adoption of pro-     |        for the adoption of pro-  
        posals and the passing of    |        posals and the passing of 
        motions.                     |        motions.                  
      2) A proposal which is not     |      2) A proposal which is not  
        changed by the Senate can    |        changed by the Senate can 
        be adopted by the Senate     |        be adopted by the Senate  
        at once as above.            |        at once as above.         
      3) A proposal which is ch-     |      3) A proposal which is ch-  
        anged by the Senate shall    |        anged by the Senate shall 
        be published in the          |        be published in the       
        revised form. It shall       |        revised form. It shall    
        then be distributed to its   |        then be distributed to its
        members and posted in the    |        members and posted in the 
        J. R. Van Pelt Library.      |        J. R. Van Pelt Library.   
        Then the Senate may adopt    |        Then the Senate may adopt 
        the proposal, as above, at   |        the proposal, as above, at
        its next meeting. In the     |        its next meeting. In the  
        case of editorial changes,   |        case of editorial changes,
        as established below, the    |        as established below, the 
        Senate may adopt the         |        Senate may adopt the      
        modified proposal at the     |        modified proposal at the  
        meeting during which the     |        meeting during which the  
        change is made.              |        change is made.           
      4) When a proposal adopted     |      4) When a proposal adopted  
        by the Senate is accepted    |        by the Senate is accepted 
        with changes by the          |        with changes by the       
        Administration, it shall     |        Administration, it shall  
        be published in revised      |        be published in revised   
        form and reconsidered by     |        form and reconsidered by  
        the Senate in the same       |        the Senate in the same    
        manner as a new proposal.    |        manner as a new proposal. 
  5. Definitions                     X  6. Definitions                  
    a. An "editorial change" shall   |    a. An "editorial change" shall
      be construed to be any minor   |      be construed to be any minor
      change in wording that clar-   |      change in wording that clar-
      ifies the meaning or im-       |      ifies the meaning or im-    
      proves the grammatical         |      proves the grammatical      
      structure of the proposal      |      structure of the proposal   
      but that has no effect on      |      but that has no effect on   
      the substance, scope or        |      the substance, scope or     
      application of the proposal.   |      application of the proposal.
      In the event of question,      |      In the event of question,   
      the presiding officer of the   |      the presiding officer of the
      Senate shall be empowered to   |      Senate shall be empowered to
      rule, subject to the usual     |      rule, subject to the usual  
      parliamentary controls.        |      parliamentary controls.     
    b. Quorum                        |    b. Quorum                     
      Two-thirds of the full Sen-    |      Two-thirds of the full Sen- 
      ate membership shall consti-   |      ate membership shall consti-
      tute a quorum and shall be     |      tute a quorum and shall be  
      required for the transaction   |      required for the transaction
      of business in all cases.      |      of business in all cases.   
      There will be issues and       |      There will be issues and    
      areas of concern on which      |      areas of concern on which   
      voting shall be limited to     |      voting shall be limited to  
      subsets of the constituency    |      subsets of the constituency 
      and their senators. A quorum   |      and their senators. A quorum
      of eligible senators shall     |      of eligible senators shall  
      be required on any limited     |      be required on any limited  
      vote in the Senate. On a       |      vote in the Senate. On a    
      limited vote of the Senate a   |      limited vote of the Senate a
      quorum of eligible senators    |      quorum of eligible senators 
      shall mean two-thirds of       |      shall mean two-thirds of    
      them.                          |      them.                       
    c. Proposal                      |    c. Proposal                   
      1) The word "proposal" as      |      1) The word "proposal" as   
        used in Section 4a and 4e    X        used in Section 5a and 5e 
        above shall be construed     |        above shall be construed  
        to comprise only those       |        to comprise only those    
        formally moved Senate        |        formally moved Senate     
        actions involving major      |        actions involving major   
        considerations, such as      |        considerations, such as   
        (a) the establishment of     |        (a) the establishment of  
        University policy and        |        University policy and     
        procedures, (b) recom-       |        procedures, (b) recom-    
        mendations to the Univer-    |        mendations to the Univer- 
        sity administration, (c)     |        sity administration, (c)  
        measures affecting organ-    |        measures affecting organ- 
        ization or primary proce-    |        ization or primary proce- 
        dures of the Senate,         |        dures of the Senate,      
        (d) formal definitions of    |        (d) formal definitions of 
        Senate policy, or (e) es-    |        Senate policy, or (e) es- 
        tablishment of Senate        |        tablishment of Senate     
        standing committees.         |        standing committees.      
      2) The word "proposal" as      |      2) The word "proposal" as   
        used in Section 4a and 4e    X        used in Section 5a and 5e 
        above shall be construed     |        above shall be construed  
        to exclude all operative     |        to exclude all operative  
        motions and actions pursu-   |        motions and actions pursu-
        ant to the normal routines   |        ant to the normal routines
        of a deliberative body,      |        of a deliberative body,   
        such as (a) moving ap-       |        such as (a) moving ap-    
        pointment of, appointing,    |        pointment of, appointing, 
        approving, or discharging    |        approving, or discharging 
        ad hoc committees or         |        ad hoc committees or      
        (b) requesting, hearing,     |        (b) requesting, hearing,  
        or accepting business and    |        or accepting business and 
        committee reports.           |        committee reports.        
      3) In the event of question,   |      3) In the event of question,
        the presiding officer of     |        the presiding officer of  
        the Senate shall be empow-   |        the Senate shall be empow-
        ered to rule, subject to     |        ered to rule, subject to  
        usual parliamentary con-     |        usual parliamentary con-  
        trols, whether or not a      |        trols, whether or not a   
        motion constitutes a "pro-   |        motion constitutes a "pro-
        posal" within the meaning    |        posal" within the meaning 
        of Section 4a and 4e         X        of Section 5a and 5e      
        above.                       |        above.                    
    d. Departments                   |    d. Departments                
      Throughout this constitution   |      Throughout this constitution
      and its Bylaws the term "De-   |      and its Bylaws the term "De-
      partment" shall apply to and   |      partment" shall apply to and
      should be read as "School"     |      should be read as "School"  
      for the Schools of Business    |      for the Schools of Business 
      and Engineering Administra-    |      and Engineering Administra- 
      tion, Forestry and Wood Pro-   |      tion, Forestry and Wood Pro-
      ducts, and Technology. For     |      ducts, and Technology. For  
      Senate purposes these three    |      Senate purposes these three 
      units are considered equiv-    |      units are considered equiv- 
      alent to departments. Like-    |      alent to departments. Like- 
      wise, the term "Department     |      wise, the term "Department  
      Head/Chair" shall apply to     |      Head/Chair" shall apply to  
      and should be read as "Dean"   |      and should be read as "Dean"
      of Business, "Dean" of For-    |      of Business, "Dean" of For- 
      estry and Wood Products, and   |      estry and Wood Products, and
      "Dean" of Technology.          |      "Dean" of Technology.       
  6. Ballot Initiatives              X  7. Ballot Initiatives           
    a. A Ballot Initiative (or       |    a. A Ballot Initiative (or    
      referendum) can be placed      |      referendum) can be placed   
      before the Senate con-         |      before the Senate con-      
      stituency or a subset of the   |      stituency or a subset of the
      constituency for a vote by     |      constituency for a vote by  
      (1) a majority of the sena-    |      (1) a majority of the sena- 
      tors eligible to vote on it    |      tors eligible to vote on it 
      or (2) by a petition pre-      |      or (2) by a petition pre-   
      sented to the Senate which     |      sented to the Senate which  
      is signed by 20% or more of    |      is signed by 20% or more of 
      the Senate constituency eli-   |      the Senate constituency eli-
      gible to vote on it. A Bal-    |      gible to vote on it. A Bal- 
      lot Initiative is equivalent   |      lot Initiative is equivalent
      to action by the Senate and    |      to action by the Senate and 
      can be used to repeal an       |      can be used to repeal an    
      action of the Senate.          |      action of the Senate.       
    b. A Ballot Initiative may be    |    b. A Ballot Initiative may be 
      required on some matters       |      required on some matters    
      such as changes in the pro-    |      such as changes in the pro- 
      motion and tenure policies     |      motion and tenure policies  
      that must be approved by the   |      that must be approved by the
      Academic Faculty.              |      Academic Faculty.           
    c. The President of the Uni-     |    c. The President of the Uni-  
      versity or the Board of Con-   |      versity or the Board of Con-
      trol or their designated       |      trol or their designated    
      representatives can also       |      representatives can also    
      request a Ballot Initiative    |      request a Ballot Initiative 
      on a designated issue other    |      on a designated issue other 
      than the appeal of a presi-    |      than the appeal of a presi- 
      dential veto.                  |      dential veto.               
    d. If a Ballot Initiative is     |    d. If a Ballot Initiative is  
      presented to the Senate by     |      presented to the Senate by  
      petition of its constit-       |      petition of its constit-    
      uents, then the originators    |      uents, then the originators 
      of the initiative shall        |      of the initiative shall     
      select a spokesperson who      |      select a spokesperson who   
      has the authority to repre-    |      has the authority to repre- 
      sent them on all matters       |      sent them on all matters    
      concerning the initiative.     |      concerning the initiative.  
      In matters not involving an    |      In matters not involving an 
      attempt to repeal a Senate     |      attempt to repeal a Senate  
      action or to require a vote    |      action or to require a vote 
      on an Agenda item, appro-      |      on an Agenda item, appro-   
      priate committees of the       |      priate committees of the    
      Senate shall have an oppor-    |      Senate shall have an oppor- 
      tunity to review and discuss   |      tunity to review and discuss
      the petition with the origi-   |      the petition with the origi-
      nators and or their spokes-    |      nators and or their spokes- 
      person. The wording of a       |      person. The wording of a    
      Ballot Initiative shall be     |      Ballot Initiative shall be  
      reviewed by the Senate and     |      reviewed by the Senate and  
      the originators of the in-     |      the originators of the in-  
      itiative to insure its fair-   |      itiative to insure its fair-
      ness and consistency. The      |      ness and consistency. The   
      vote on the initiative shall   |      vote on the initiative shall
      be by secret ballot. The       |      be by secret ballot. The    
      vote on the initiative will    |      vote on the initiative will 
      not have to take place until   |      not have to take place until
      after the next regularly       |      after the next regularly    
      scheduled Senate meeting.      |      scheduled Senate meeting.   
      During an academic year, a     |      During an academic year, a  
      Ballot Initiative to repeal    |      Ballot Initiative to repeal 
      an action of the Senate can    |      an action of the Senate can 
      be submitted during that       |      be submitted during that    
      same academic year up to two   |      same academic year up to two
      regularly scheduled meetings   |      regularly scheduled meetings
      after the action is taken. A   |      after the action is taken. A
      petition to require a Ballot   |      petition to require a Ballot
      Initiative on an Agenda item   |      Initiative on an Agenda item
      for a particular Senate        |      for a particular Senate     
      meeting can also be submit-    |      meeting can also be submit- 
      ted at that same meeting. In   |      ted at that same meeting. In
      either of these two cases,     |      either of these two cases,  
      the initiative shall be held   |      the initiative shall be held
      as soon as possible after      |      as soon as possible after   
      the meeting where it is sub-   |      the meeting where it is sub-
      mitted or proposed.            |      mitted or proposed.         
    e. Voting on Ballot Initiat-     |    e. Voting on Ballot Initiat-  
      ives shall be decided by a     |      ives shall be decided by a  
      simple majority of those       |      simple majority of those    
      voting. However, amendments    |      voting. However, amendments 
      to the constitution require    |      to the constitution require 
      a two-thirds majority of       |      a two-thirds majority of    
      those  voting as indicated     |      those  voting as indicated  
      in Article X.                  |      in Article X.               
  7. Special Voting Procedures       X  8. Special Voting Procedures    
    A request for a secret ballot    |    A request for a secret ballot 
    shall take precedence over       |    shall take precedence over    
    calls for a roll call vote or    |    calls for a roll call vote or 
    voice vote and shall be auto-    |    voice vote and shall be auto- 
    matically granted upon re-       |    matically granted upon re-    
    quest.                           |    quest.                        
  8. Department Heads/Chairs des-    X  9. Department Heads/Chairs des- 
    pite their additional status     |    pite their additional status  
    as Academic Faculty members      |    as Academic Faculty members   
    shall not serve as Senators.     |    shall not serve as Senators or
                                     |    Alternates.                   
                                     | 10. Any Dean/Director reporting  
                                     |    directly to the President,    
                                     |    Executive Vice President and  
                                     |    Provost, Treasurer/Chief Fi-  
                                     |    nancial Officer, Vice Provost 
                                     |    and Dean, Vice President for  
                                     |    Advancement, Secretary to the 
                                     |    Board/Vice President for Gov- 
                                     |    ernmental Relations or the    
                                     |    Board of Control shall not be 
                                     |    a constituent.                
                                     |  11. Any Staff having significant
                                     |    influence, as determined by   
                                     |    the Executive Committee, with 
                                     |    the President, Executive Vice 
                                     |    President and Provost, Trea-  
                                     |    surer/Chief Financial Officer,
                                     |    Vice Provost and Dean, Vice   
                                     |    President for Advancement,    
                                     |    Secretary to the Board/Vice   
                                     |    President for Governmental    
                                     |    Relations or the Board of Con-
                                     |    trol shall not serve as Sena- 
                                     |    tors or Alternates.           
  1995)                              |  1995)                           
  1. Academic Degree-granting De-    |  1. Academic Degree-granting De- 
    partments (n = 17)               |    partments (n = 17)            
    Biological Sciences, Business    |    Biological Sciences, Business 
    and Engineering Adminis-         |    and Engineering Adminis-      
    tration, Chemistry, Chemical     |    tration, Chemistry, Chemical  
    Engineering, Civil and Envi-     |    Engineering, Civil and Envi-  
    ronmental Engineering, Com-      |    ronmental Engineering, Com-   
    puter Science, Electrical En-    |    puter Science, Electrical En- 
    gineering, Forestry and Wood     |    gineering, Forestry and Wood  
    Products, Geological Engineer-   |    Products, Geological Engineer-
    ing and Sciences (includes the   |    ing and Sciences (includes the
    Seaman Mineralogical Museum),    |    Seaman Mineralogical Museum), 
    Humanities, Mathematical Sci-    |    Humanities, Mathematical Sci- 
    ences, Mechanical Engineering-   |    ences, Mechanical Engineering-
    Engineering  Mechanics, Metal-   |    Engineering  Mechanics, Metal-
    lurgical and Materials Engin-    |    lurgical and Materials Engin- 
    eering, Mining Engineering,      |    eering, Mining Engineering,   
    Physics, Social Sciences, and    |    Physics, Social Sciences, and 
    the School of Technology.        |    the School of Technology.     
  2. Other Course-offering Units     |  2. Other Course-offering Units  
    (n = 6)                          X    (n = 4)                       
    Education and Public Services,   |    Fine Arts, Library, Physical  
    Fine Arts, Library, Physical     |    Education (includes the Ath-  
    Education (includes the Ath-     |    letic Department), and ROTC.  
    letic Department), Air Force     |    (Senator/Alternate shall      
    ROTC and Army ROTC.              |    alternate between Air Force   
                                     |    and Army.)                    
  3. Other Research Units (n = 3)    |  3. Other Research Units (n = 3) 
    Institute of Materials Pro-      |    Institute of Materials Pro-   
    cessing, Institute of Wood       |    cessing, Institute of Wood    
    Research, and Keweenaw Re-       |    Research, and Keweenaw Re-    
    search Center.                   |    search Center.                
  4. Designated Non-academic Units   |  4. Designated Non-academic Units
    (n = 3)                          X    (n = 9)                       
    Group 1 (includes Counseling     |  Enrollment Management; Dean of  
    Services and Residence Counse-   |  Student Affairs and Educational 
    lors), Group 2 (includes         |  Opportunity; Research and       
    Admissions, Registrar, and       |  Graduate School, Communication  
    Financial Aid), and Group 3      |  Services, and Administrative    
    (includes Affirmative Pro-       |  Offices; Human Resources and    
    grams, Dean of Student           |  Facilities Management; Computing
    Affairs, Educational Opportun-   |  Technology Services; Finance and
    ity, and the University Career   |  Advancement; Auxiliary          
    Center).                         |  Enterprises; Academic Services--
                                     |  Engineering; and Academic       
                                     |  Services--Non-Engineering.      
    Remark  This grouping into       |    Remark  This grouping into    
    Representation Units is only     |    Representation Units is only  
    for Senate representation        |    for Senate representation     
    purposes. It is understood       |    purposes. It is understood    
    that some of these units are     |    that some of these units are  
    independent and report to        |    independent and report to     
    different people. According to   |    different people. According to
    the Remark after Article IV      |    the Remark after Article IV   
    A3, these groupings will be      |    A3, these groupings will be   
    reviewed and updated at least    |    reviewed and updated at least 
    once a year.                     |    once a year.                  
  5. Colleges Whose Deans are Of-    |  5. Colleges Whose Deans are Of- 
    ficial Non-voting Liaison Mem-   |    ficial Non-voting Liaison Mem-
    bers of the Senate               |    bers of the Senate            
    The College of Engineering and   |    The College of Engineering and
    the College of Sciences and      |    the College of Sciences and   
    Arts.                            |    Arts.                         
  6. Other Units Which Have an       |  6. Other Units Which Have an    
    Official Non-voting Liaison      |    Official Non-voting Liaison   
    Member of the Senate             |    Member of the Senate          
    Computing Technology Services,   |    Graduate Student Council,     
    Graduate Student Council,        |    Undergraduate Student         
    Undergraduate Student            |    Government, and Staff Council.
    Government, and Staff Council.   |                                  
  1. Academic Degree-granting De-    |  1. Academic Degree-granting De- 
    partments*  Other Course-of-     |    partments*  Other Course-of-  
    fering Units, and Research       |    fering Units, and Research    
    Units                            |    Units                         
    a. The Academic Faculty inside   |    a. The Academic Faculty inside
      one of these units (see        |      one of these units (see     
      Article II C).  In some        |      Article II C), as defined in
      cases, adjectives may be       |      the Faculty Handbook, shall 
      used with the primary          |      be constituents, including  
      faculty titles given in        |      tenure track and non-tenure 
      Article II C.  The Senate      |      track academic appointments 
      shall determine which          |      except adjunct, visiting,   
      adjectives can be used to      |      and emeritus.               
      confer academic faculty        |                                  
      status on an individual as a   |                                  
      Senate constituent.  The       |                           The    
      Units that have individuals    |      Units that have individuals 
      with adjectives such as        |      with adjectives such as     
      "emeritus", "visiting",        |      adjunct, visiting, or       
      "temporary", or "part-time"    |      emeritus in their faculty   
      in their faculty titles may    |      titles may petition the     
      petition the Senate through    |      Senate through the Executive
      Senate to have them included   |      Committee to have them      
      as constituents on a case      |      included as constituents on 
      by case basis.                 |      a case by case basis.       
                                     |      Individuals with other      
                                     |      titles will be constituents 
                                     |      of a unit other than an     
                                     |      academic degree-granting    
                                     |      department.                 
    b. The Research Personnel with   |                                  
      Primary Research Rank inside   |                                  
      one of these units. These      |                                  
      are individuals with the       |                                  
      titles program manager/ re-    |                                  
      search leader, senior re-      |                                  
      search engineer/ scientist-    |                                  
      2, senior research engin-      |                                  
      eer/scientist-1, and re-       |                                  
      search engineer/scientist-2.   |                                  
    c. Other titles for personnel    |                                  
      inside one of these units.     |                                  
      These are individuals with     |                                  
      titles such as archivist,      |                                  
      assistant director, assoc-     |                                  
      iate director, curator, dir-   |                                  
      ector, librarian, super-       |                                  
      visor-laboratory, and tech-    |                                  
      nical communications spec-     |                                  
      ialist.                        |                                  
                                     |  2. Other Course-offering Units. 
                                     |    All members of these units are
                                     |    constituents except as ex-    
                                     |    cluded in the Bylaws.         
                                     |  3. Research Units.              
                                     |    All members of these units are
                                     |    constituents except as ex-    
                                     |    cluded in the Bylaws.         
  4. Designated Non-academic Units   |  4. Designated Non-academic Units
    a. Inside Group 1 those indi-    |    All non-faculty, non-union,   
      viduals holding one of the     |    non-temporary University em-  
      titles of counselor, psych-    |    ployees, if not a member of an
      iatric nurse, psychiatric      |    above unit, shall be members  
      social worker, or residence    |    of a designated non-academic  
      counselor.                     |    unit.  The Executive Committee
                                     |    shall determine membership of 
    b. Inside Group 2 those indi-    |    the non-academic units.  In-  
      viduals holding one of the     |    dividuals may petition the    
      titles of assistant direc-     |    Executive Committee to be pla-
      tor, associate director,       |    ced in a different non-aca-   
      associate registrar, or di-    |    demic unit on a case by case  
      rector.                        |    basis.  Units with part-time  
                                     |    employees may petition the    
    c. Inside Group 3 those in-      |    Senate through the Executive  
      dividuals holding one of the   |    Committee to have them in-    
      titles of assistant dean,      |    cluded as constituents on a   
      assistant director, assoc-     |    case by case basis.           
      iate dean, associate direc-    |                                  
      tor, dean, director, or ju-    |                                  
      diciary officer.               |                                  
