Article I (Operational By-Laws), Section E (Senate Temporary and Ad Hoc Committees) allows the Senate to establish temporary or ad hoc committees ‘within the areas of Senate authority.’

The University Senate resolves that:

  1. It will go into recess until such time as the constituency issue is resolved.
  2. It will appoint an interim University Senate to assume the responsibilities and authority of the University Senate while it is in recess.
  3. It will appoint interim University Senate committees to continue the activities and membership of University Senate committees while the University Senate is in recess. 
  4. The interim University Senate’s membership will be of all Senators and Alternatives as of October 13, 2004.
  5. The interim Senate committees’ memberships will be the same as the memberships of University Senate committees.
  6. The Constitution, excluding Article II, Section A, Paragraphs 5 and 6, and By-Laws will govern the activities of the interim University Senate and interim Senate committees.
  7. Besides carrying out activities of the University Senate, the interim University Senate will discuss and recommend solutions to the constituency issue to the University Administration and the Board of Control.