University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Proposal 2-94

Supplemental Health Benefits Program



In this document, we wish to address the needs of two groups:


A. TIAA-CREF participants on Long-Term Disability (LTD), who currently are forced to contribute to their own health insurance plan cost, and


B. TIAA-CREF participants who have 15 plus years of service at MTU but do not yet qualify for the Retirement Benefit Plan because they have not accumulated a total of 80 points (age and years of service at MTU). Should this employee die, their spouse would not qualify for health coverage after 36 months.


We propose that 1) the University assume the health benefit cost for TIAA-CREF participants (employee and spouse) who are on LTD and who have ten years of full-time service (30+ hours) at MTU; and 2) that the University provide health benefits for the spouse of a TIAA-CREF participant who dies after serving the University for 15 years but does not qualify for the Retirement Benefit Plan. The spousal benefit should be terminated at such time as the individual becomes qualified or has available to them other medical insurance.


It should be noted that the above requests are already met for MTU MPSERS participants.



Proposal sent to Finance Committee for further review: 5 October 1993