The Senate of Michigan Technological University





The purpose of these amendments to Proposal 4-59, Sabbatical Leave Policy, as amended by Proposal 2-80, Amendment to Sabbatical Leave Policy are to (1) permit a faculty member to take a one quarter sabbatical leave during the winter quarter, and (2) to streamline the application procedure.


  1. The underlined words in Proposal 2-80, Amendment to Sabbatical Leave Policy, as shown below are hereby deleted:

    "Faculty members on a nine-month appointment may also apply for a one academic quarters' sabbatical leave at one-third of their nine-month salary, providing the sabbatical quarter is continuous with their normally non-compensated quarter; or for a two academic quarters' sabbatical leave at three-quarters of their nine-month salary. Faculty members on a twelve-month appointment may also apply for a one academic quarters' sabbatical leave at one quarter of their twelve-month salary, providing the leave quarter is concurrent with the maximum allowed annual leave; or for a two academic quarters' sabbatical leave at three-quarters of their twelve months salary."

  2. The last sentence of Procedure 2 of Proposal 4-59, Sabbatical Leave Policy ("He shall present his request for leave to his department head or immediate supervisor, who shall transmit it with his comments, to the committee on sabbatical leave.") with the following sentence:

    "The applicant presents the proposal to the department head/chairman who, after appending departmental recommendations, forwards copies of it to the University President and to the University Committee on Sabbatical Leave."


Adopted by Senate: 7 November 1984
Approved by President: 26 October 1987
See Proposal 9-05