The Senate of Michigan Technological University

Superseded by Current Constitution and Bylaws



In order to expedite the adoption and final approval of Senate Proposals the By-Laws of the Constitution of the Michigan Tech Senate shall be amended as follows:

Item 7C presently reads:

A proposal which is changed by the Senate shall be published in the revised form and distributed to the general faculty after which the Senate may adopt the proposal as above at its next meeting.

Add one sentence to 7C and add 7D so that the new items will read:

7C. A proposal which is changed by the Senate shall be published in the revised form and distributed to the general faculty after which the Senate may adopt the proposal as above at its next meeting. In the case of editorial changes as established below, the Senate may adopt the modified proposal at the meeting during which the change is made.

7D. An "editorial change" shall be construed to be any minor change in wording which clarifies the meaning or improves the grammatical structure of the proposal but which has no effect on the substance, scope, or application of the proposal. In the event of question, the presiding officer of the Senate shall be empowered to rule, subject to the usual parliamentary controls.


Proposal Adopted by Senate: 21 April 1971
No Administrative Action Required
See Current Constitution and Bylaws