The Senate of Michigan Technological University




The Senate endorses the concept of advanced placement based on student ability.

Further, a degree being the institution's way of communicating the idea of a general level of education, it should either award credits for the courses waived in advanced placement or reduce the number of course credits required of the individual for graduation.

In those cases where credit is awarded for courses taken at MTU while the student was still in high school, the Department that presented the course will confirm the validity of the grade before it is used in computing the student's overall grade point average. It will be used, if confirmed. If only advanced placement is involved, the grade will not be used.

The detailed procedures required to implement this policy, including the basis for determination of student qualification, should be solely a departmental matter, except that no student will be forced to accept advanced placement, or to follow honors programs or other forms of accelerated education that may be adopted.

As a corollary to the above, there should be flexibility in the means by which an individual student can, at any time, present evidence of a suitable command of a subject and receive credit for it; individual study and request for examination is an example.


Proposal Adopted by Senate: 22 January 1969
Approved by President
(In principle):