The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

 Senate Motion

(Voting Units: Full Senate)



The Senate Administrative Policy Committee is revising EVALUATION PROCEDURES FOR DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND SCHOOL DEANS (procedure 506.1.1) and has come across conflicting statements regarding reappointment vote in the procedure and needs the Senate to resolve the conflict.


Reappointment reviews take place in the third year of the first term of appointment. Subsequent reviews for consecutive appointments take place in the second year to allow for a search in the third year if the evaluation indicates waning support. A search will normally be conducted if the support is less than 50% of the voting constituency.


When the administration decides contrary to a 2/3 majority vote, the College Dean or the Provost will provide written explanation of the reasons for that decision to the members of the department.


The administration has the rights to remove any administrator at any time. Appointment of Department Chairs/ School Deans is from the candidates that are deemed acceptable by the search committee. Thus, an appointment implies acceptance by the senate constituency and the administration. Extending this principle, a reappointment should also be that which is acceptable to both the senate constituency and the administration. The committee is making a recommendation that is in between the two statements in the current procedure.



Approval of the motion below or its amended version directs the Administrative Policy Committee to incorporate it into the revised reappointment procedure.


When the administration decides to reappoint a department chair or a school dean contrary to a majority of the voting constituency of either faculty or staff, the College Dean or the Provost will provide written explanation of the reasons for that decision to the members of the academic unit. If two-thirds majority of the voting constituency of either faculty or staff, votes not to reappoint a department chair or a school dean, the administration will honor the decision of the academic unit. The voting constituency must be greater than ten members, otherwise the vote of the constituency is advisory to the administration.


Introduced to Senate: 22 January 2014