The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

(Voting Units: Academic)

“Proposal for Shelving and Eliminating
Degree Programs and Certificates”





Basis for the Proposal: There is a need for a mechanism to be in place whereby the University can remove programs offered at Michigan Tech. Such removals can be temporary and reversible (shelved), or permanent (eliminated). This proposal details mechanisms whereby programs can be shelved, and following five years as a shelved program they can be eliminated, re-shelved or reinstituted.

Definitions: In this proposal the phrase ‘program needing state approval’ is used for degrees, majors, and concentrations that need state approval for implementation or elimination. The phrase ‘other programs’ is used for minors, certificates etc. that do not need state approval. Programs that are currently suspended are considered to be shelved under this proposal.


Program Shelving

Who.  Program shelving can be initiated by department chairs, deans, and/or the University Provost. This can be the result of a review process, at any time at the initiative of the department offering the program, or at any time at the initiative of the Provost. A proposal to shelve a program will need Senate approval via the Curricular Policy Committee.

When. Shelving proposals need to be submitted to the Provost’s office by October 31st of each academic year to coincide with deadline for the curriculum review process. If approved, the shelving will take effect June 30 of the following year (20 months).

A program should not remain shelved indefinitely. After five years, a shelved program will be reviewed by the academic unit that administers the program and the Provost’s office, and a recommendation will be made to the Senate via the Curricular Policy Committee as to whether the program should be reinstated, eliminated or remain shelved. If re-shelved, the program will be reviewed after a further five years.

Format for Proposals to Shelve Programs

Shelving of any type of degree program (certificate, minor, associate, bachelor, master and/or Ph.D.) requires a brief (approximately one page) proposal that includes:

  1. Full name of program to be shelved
  2. Final term program will be open for new admits
  3. Plan to complete all enrolled students and any returning students
  4. Reason for shelving
  5. Financial impact (if any) to the department and university

Procedure for Shelving Programs


Program Elimination

Who. Program elimination can be initiated by department chairs, deans, and/or the University Provost.

When. Elimination proposals may be submitted to the Provost’s office at any time after a program has been shelved for a period of five years.

Format for Proposals to Eliminate Programs

Elimination of any type of degree program (certificate, minor, associate, bachelor, master and/or Ph.D.) requires a brief (approximately one page) proposal that includes:

  1. Full name of program to be eliminated
  2. Final term program will be open for new admits
  3. Plan to complete all enrolled students and any returning students
  4. Reason for elimination
  5. Financial impact (if any) to the department and university


Procedure for Elimination of Programs


Introduced to Senate: 2 March 2011
Adopted by Senate: 23 March 2011
Approved by Administration: 31 March 2011
Became Senate Procedures 414.1.1