The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
(this document is not valid after March 2011)


Index to Charter Content


This index will be posted on the Senate Web site to coordinate the required and optional items that have been developed over the years. All items listed here have been approved by the Senate.  The numbers in the bracket give reference to the proposal from which the items were taken.


  I.    Required Charter Contents

The department/school charter defines the duties and responsibilities of the Chair/school Dean and of the faculty in the following areas or other appropriate areas. (16-92)

A departmental/school charter must contain sections dealing with these items and may have provisions similar to the model charter segments attached to this proposal. (16-92)

a.    Procedure for changing and approving the charter  (16-92)

b.    Procedure and responsibility for updating the charter and keeping it in compliance (22-08)

c.    Definition of voting members of the unit and procedure for changing eligibility (22-08)

d.    Role of professional staff and other non-tenure track members in unit governance (22-08)

e.    Procedure for search (initiated by Dean) of the Chair or search  (initiated by Provost) of the school Dean. The sample section "Search Procedure for Department Chairpersons" (defined therein to include school Deans) attached to Proposal 16-92 will be attached to this document. (16-92)

f.     Procedure for department/school evaluation and reappointment of the Chair or school Dean [The "Evaluation for Reappointment of Chairpersons of Academic Programs" in Proposal 16-92 will be attached to this document. The proposal defines reference to Chairpersons to include school Deans]. (16-92)

g.    Clarification of types of materials, observations, etc. to be used for evaluation of teaching (12-03 - no more than 50% may be from teaching evaluation forms)

h.    Areas for evaluation and guidelines for performance.  Each academic unit will identify in its procedures the areas in which candidates for reappointment, tenure, or promotion will be evaluated. Refer to Faculty Handbook Appendix I.  (16-92 & required by university policy

i.      Procedures for recommending promotion, tenure, and reappointment (16-92 & required by university policy)

j.      Procedure for obtaining advice from the faculty regarding recommendations for sabbatical leaves (09-05 Sabbatical Leave Procedures)

k.    Procedure for recommending Emeritus/Emerita status to the President for presentation to the Board of Control. This procedure shall include approval by department/school faculty and an appeal system and may be initiated by the retiree or his/her department/school.  The guidelines must be compatible with the current Senate Proposal on Emeritus/Emerita. (20-02)

l.      Procedure for departmental/school grievance (23-00)

II.    Some Examples of Optional Charter Contents

These are optional additional items that a unit may want to consider in its charter (Proposal 16-92).


a.    Electing or appointing Senators, members of departmental/school committees, and members for the Senate, college, and university committees (16-92)

b.    Procedures for hiring of new faculty and the creation of new faculty positions (16-92)

c.    Process by which the department/school faculty defines long-term goals and goals for the period of appointment of the Chair/school Dean (16-92)

d.    Admitting graduate students (16-92)

e.    Developing curriculum (16-92)

f.     Developing other administrative positions (16-92)

g.    Allocating departmental/school resources such as: (16-92)

                1.        funds available for salary increases

                2.        teaching assistantships, general research assistantships, and fellowships

                3.        travel funds

                4.        external funds and university budget funds

                5.        office and laboratory space and equipment

h.    Making teaching assignments and allocating teaching loads (16-92)

i.      Hiring and supervising staff (16-92)

j.      Limitations on the number of terms the chairperson may serve (16-92).

 Introduced to Senate: 21 March 2008
Adopted with amendment by Senate: 2 April 2008
No administrative approval needed