The University Senate of Michigan Technological University



(Voting Units: Entire Senate)







The Senate executive committee has discussed extensively how to increase the productivity of Senate committees. One major problem is that committees are not formed until fall and often take some time to become productive. By collecting desired committee assignments in the spring when nearly all Senators are at Tech and accessible and approving the preliminary list of committee assignments at the last meeting of the Senate in the spring, the executive committee believes that Senate committees would be ready to act more rapidly in the fall.


The proposed revision of by-law C.6 is presented now to show the intent of the executive committee, which would like to try an experiment of earlier assignments for the 2006-2007 committees, if this experiment be agreeable to the Senate.  This experiment can be done under the existing by-law since the last meeting of the Senate in the spring semester occurs before the first meeting in the fall. If this experiment is done and proves successful, the by-law revision below would then be presented for a vote.




Section C.6 of the by-laws should be revised as follows where square brackets [...] mark deletions and italics mark insertion.


 6. Normally, the Senate officers and officers-elect will draft a preliminary list of committee assignments before the [first meeting] last meeting of the Senate in the [fall term] spring semester.

Introduced in University Senate: 1 February 2006
Adopted on a Trial Basis: 1 February 2006