Proposal 25-05

University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Proposal 25-05 (Revised)

(Voting unit:  Entire Senate)

Amendment to the By-Laws:  Determination of Professional Staff Constituencies



The recently approved Constitution of the University Senate states thatThe Bylaws shall contain procedures for identifying the University professional staff that form the constituency of the professional staff membership and for resolving problems of constituency of individuals not clearly specified in this Article

(Article II Constituents, Section B Individuals, paragraph 3 Professional Staff Constituents).



In order to implement this paragraph, it is proposed that Article I Operational By-Laws, Section M Special Constituency Issues, Paragraph 5 of the University Senate By-Laws be amended as follows (bold print indicates additions). 

5.  The Senate’s professional staff constituency consists of those persons so defined by the Senate Executive Committee in consultation with the Senate Professional Staff Committee and the University’s Office of Human Resources.  The Senate Professional Staff Committee will recommend the composition of individual professional staff constituencies for approval by the Senate Executive Committee.



            30 March 2005: Adopted by the University Senate