The University Senate of Michigan Technological University



The University Senate proposes that the following principles be used to determine the University's academic calendar.

Fall semester classes normally shall start the Tuesday after Labor Day, but when Labor Day falls on September 6 or 7, classes shall begin the Monday before Labor Day.

Further fall semester guidelines:

Spring semester will begin on the Monday 26 days after the last day of Final Exams of the fall semester.

Further spring semester guidelines:

Summer sessions will consist of a fourteen-week term beginning Monday, nine days after Spring Commencement.

Further summer semester guidelines:

The Senate will review this calendar after two years of operation.

Adopted by Senate: 15 January 2003
Referendum Results (Academic Faculty)
396 ballots sent
331 ballots returned (84%)
268 Yes votes (81% of returned ballots; 68% of eligible voters)
63 No votes (19% of returned ballots; 16% of eligible voters)
Approved by President: 24 February 2003