Page 4555       Minutes of Senate Meeting 216        11 May 1994


                   Minutes of Meeting No. 216
                           11 May 1994

Synopsis:  The Senate
  (1)  elected officers for the 1994-95 academic year;
  (2)  approved three meeting dates for 1994-95.

I. Call to Order
    President Bornhorst called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm on
Wednesday, 11 May 1994, in Room B37 of the Electrical Energy
Resources Center.

II. Roll Call of Members
    Secretary Keen called the roll of continuing and newly-elected
senators [Appendix B of these minutes].  31 senators or alternates
were present.  Senators or alternate representatives from Met & Mat
Eng, AF ROTC, and Fine Arts were absent.  Absent senators at-large:
Filer and Whitt.

III. Agenda Adjustments
    Bornhorst referred to the published agenda [Appendix A of these
minutes], and asked for agenda adjustments from the floor; there
were none.  Bornhorst asked for objections to the agenda.  There
were no objections, and Bornhorst declared the agenda approved as

IV. Elections of Senate Officers
A. President  Bornhorst noted that he had been nominated for
president, and opened the floor for further nominations.  Malette
MOVED to close nominations.  Huang seconded the motion.  The motion
PASSED without dissent in a voice vote.
    Ballots were distributed.  Bornhorst noted that the ballots
contained a provision for write-in candidates.  Elections Committee
Chair Greuer tabulated the ballots.  Keen announced the results:
          Bornhorst -29
          voided ballots - 2

B. Vice-President  Bornhorst noted that Janice Glime, Joe Heyman,
and Glenn Mroz had been nominated for the office of Vice-President,
and opened the floor for further nominations.  Vanek MOVED to close
nominations.  Carstens seconded the motion.  The motion PASSED
without dissent in a voice vote.

    Ballots were distributed and tabulated by Greuer.  Keen
announced the results:
          Glime     -14
          Heyman    -11
          Mroz      - 6
Bornhorst noted that election required a majority, and called for
a run-off between Glime and Heyman.  After Greuer tabulated the
ballots, Keen announced the results:
          Glime     -20
          Heyman    -11
Bornhorst declared Glime to be the Vice-President-elect.

C. Secretary  Bornhorst said that Jack Jobst had accepted a
nomination for Secretary, and opened the floor for further
nominations.  Vanek MOVED to close nominations.  Arici seconded the
motion.  The motion PASSED without opposition in a voice vote.
    Ballots were distributed and tabulated by Greuer.  Keen
announced the results:
          Jobst     -28
          Keen      - 1
          void      - 1

V. Setting of Meeting Dates
    Bornhorst said that the Senate constitution required the spring
approval of three dates for meetings, one in each quarter of the
following academic year.  He noted that meeting dates could be
altered for all but the first meeting.
    Jobst MOVED to approve the proposed meeting dates [Appendix A
of these minutes].  Vanek seconded the motion.  Bornhorst called
for discussion.  There was none.  The motion PASSED without dissent
in a voice vote.

VI. Destruction of Ballots
    Roblee MOVED that the ballots of the officer elections be
destroyed.  Mroz seconded the motion.  The motion PASSED without
dissent in a voice vote.

VII.  Adjournment
    Bornhorst called for a motion to adjourn.  Mullins MOVED that
the meeting be adjourned.  Carstens seconded the motion.  The
motion PASSED without opposition in a voice vote.  Bornhorst
declared the meeting adjourned at 5:54 pm.

Submitted by Robert Keen
Secretary of the University Senate