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                           The Senate
                Michigan Technological University
                   Minutes of Meeting No. 189

Meeting No. 189 was called to order at 7:08 PM on 1992 April 29 in
Room 101 of Fisher Hall.

I.     Roll Call
       21 Senators or alternates were present.
       Absent:  P. Tampas, T. Shipley, J. Daavetila, J. Lukowski,
                M. Vable, P. Laks, C. Selfe, J. Ellis, M. Mullins,
                A. Lahaie

II.    Visitors  1992 April 29
       J. Waber
       T. Reynolds
       P. Martin

III.   No minutes were available for Special Meeting No. 4 of 1992

IV.    President's Report
       1.  W. Powers may be changing tenure policy.
           He wants to have some other external tenure committee to
           examine certain tenure cases.  This seems to apply to
           the School of Business and Engineering Administration.
           The reasons for this are not known.

       Moved by T. Sharik; seconded by D. Poplawski.

       The Senate objects to the apparent change in promotion and
       tenure policy by the Provost currently being applied to the
       School of Business.  Further, we request that at the Senate
       meeting to be held on 1992 May 6, Provost Powers provide the
       Senate with an explanation for this apparent deviation from
       established policy.

       Passed (unanimous)

       Moved by W. Shapton; seconded by D. Hubbard

       The Senate recommends that the whole promotion and tenure
       policy be examined for consistency and uniformity by the
       Committee on Academic Tenure and that a report by given to
       the Senate at the next meeting.

       Passed (unanimous)

       2. President Julien has invited Task Force subcommittee
          chairpersons to give short reports about findings.  This
          will be done at the May 6 meeting.  The invitation is
          attached as Appendix A.

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       3.  President Julien distributed copies of the retrenchment
           policy (Senate proposal 7-85).  This is attached as
           Appendix B.
           President Julien recommends that the Senate take an
           active role in reviewing and revising the retrenchment
           policy and its relation to long range planning.  The
           Senate should propose a role for itself in the long
           range planning activities in progress.  A new committee
           should be formed at the next meeting.

V.     Vice-President's Report
       No report

VI.    Committee Reports
       A.  Elections
           1.  Candidates for appointment to the athletic council,
               the sabbatical leave committee, and the general
               education committee were elected from those
               nominated by mail and from the floor.

               Athletic Council
               Nominees:  J. Lowther, C. Vilmann, R. Stebler
                          R. Jones, N. Kim, C. VanKarsen

               Elected:  (one person to be appointed from these
                        by President Tompkins)
                        C. Vilmann, R. Jones, N. Kim

               Sabbatical Leave Committee
               Nominees:  D. Nelson, A. Goel, J. Waber

               Elected:  All nominees (one person to be appointed)

               General Education Committee
               Nominees:  P. Cho, B. Baltensberger

               Elected:  All nominees (one person to be appointed)

           2.  T. Merz, chairman of the search and screening
               committee for the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer
               asked that the Senate choose an alternate.  Those
               not elected in the original election or were
               Nominees:  D. Thayer, V. Dorweiler, G. Mroz, F.
                          Frayer. T. Collins

               Elected:  G. Mroz

       B.  Budget Liaison Officer
           No report
       C.  Curricular Policy Committee
           No report

                          Page 3454

       D.  Fringe Benefits Committee
           L. Leifer gave an oral report about the findings of
           Wyatt, Inc. about the medical benefits augmentation
           program (Proposal 1-92).  The committee estimates were
           judged to be conservative.  The committee estimated the
           cost of the first year as $500,000;  Wyatt, Inc.
           estimated the cost to be $100,000.

           Moved by L. Leifer; seconded by K. Heuvers.

           The Senate requests the Administration to ask Wyatt,
           Inc. for am actuarial assessment of the annuity and
           life insurance portions of the Retirement Benefits
           Program as passed by the Senate on 15 January 1992.
           (Proposal 1-92)

           Passed (unanimously)

       E.  Institutional Evaluation Committee
           (Report about progress on evaluation for feedback to
            administrators was given by L. Julien.)
           The questionnaires and forms should be in the mail the
           week of May 4.
           Forms for the senior administration will be sent
           directly to faculty by the President's office.
           Forms are to be collected by departmental senators and
           sent to D. Hubbard.

VII.   Reports by Affiliated and Ad hoc Committees
       A.  University Planning Committee/Task Force reports will be
           received at the next meeting.
       B.  Computer Executive Committee
           No report
       C.  President's Cabinet
           No report
       D.  Departmental Governance Committee
           Referendum is in progress
       E.  Committee on Senate Constitution and Constituency
           R. Freisinger gave an oral report about the issue of the
           constituency.  This issue is not yet resolved.  The
           committee believes that the constituency must be
           selected before the constitution is revised.  The
           committee seems dissatisfied with progress and needs
           more support from the Senate.  R. Freisinger will not be
           a Senator next year, so a new chairperson is needed.

           Moved by T. Sharik and seconded by T. Bornhorst.

           Disband the current ad hoc committee and form a new
           standing committee to examine the issue of the

                         Page 3455

           appropriate constituency for a faculty senate and make
           a recommendation by the end of the fall quarter 1992.

           Passed ( unanimous).

           Several people volunteered for duty on this new
           T. Sharik                  K. Heuvers
           J. Waber (convener)        R. Keen
           P. Moore
           M. McKimson

VIII.  Old Business
       A.  Proposals 10-92 and 11-92
           1.  Moved by K. Heuvers and seconded C. Vilmann

               Proposal 10-92 be accepted and sent forward to the
               President and Board of Control.

           Passed (unanimous)

           2.  Moved by K. Heuvers; seconded by Walck

               Proposal 11-92 be accepted and sent forward to the
               President and Board of Control.

           Passed (unanimous)

       B.  Final approval for M.S. in Industrial Archeology

           Moved by W. Shapton; seconded by C. Vilmann

           The program leading to the M.S. degree in Industrial
           Archeology be given final approval.

           Passed (unanimously)

IX.    New Business
       A.  Honors program in biological sciences
           The proposal (13-92) appears in memorandum form as
           Appendix C.

           The Curricular Policy Committee was asked to work with
           the biological sciences department to prepare a short
           formal proposal for action at the next meeting.

           The committee was also asked to prepare a proposal
           giving general definitions and guidelines for honors
           programs at MTU.

                          Page 3456

       B.  Questionnaire on retention

           T. Sharik presented the questionnaire on retention which
           is attached a Appendix D.

           Moved by T. Sharik and seconded by K. Heuvers.

           The questionnaire about retention be sent to the faculty
           for the purpose of gathering information.
           Amendments:  1.  Remove references to departments
                        2.  Remove items 4 and 5

           The amended motion failed:  8 Yes    10 No

       C.  Representation on graduate council
           Current members are elected at large.
           Should there be department representatives?
           This will be an item for the next meeting.

X.    Adjournment
      The meeting was adjourned at 9:36 PM.


3457 Appendix A     Memo:  Julien to Task Force committee

3458 Appendix B     Proposal 7-85 University Retirenchment Policy
3461                See Meeting 144 pages 2436-2442, 2459
3464                Senate passed on 1985 May 1
                    Board of Control tabled 1985 May 7

3465 Appendix C     Proposal 13-92

3476 Appendix D     Questionnaire on retention

These pages are available to be read in the MTU Library.