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                          The Senate of
                Michigan Technological University

                  Minutes of Meeting No. 187

President Julien called meeting No. 187 to order at 7:05pm on
1992 February 5 in Ballroom A of the Memorial Union Building.

I.   Roll Call
     There were 24 senators or alternates present.
     Absent: W. Shapton, T. Shipley, J. Daavetila, P. Laks
     J. Ellis, M. McKimpson, P. Moore, G. Pliska-Matyshak,
     C. Tompkins, W. Powers, C. Vilmann

II.  Visitors

     John Caron was a visitor.

III. Minutes

     The minutes of Special Meeting No. 4 of 1991 and meeting No.
     186 were approved as corrected.

IV.  President's Report.
     Several items were to be covered in connection with other
     reports, so there was no separate report.

V.   Vice - President's Report.
     V. Vilmann submitted through Julien a copy of the statement
     about the vote of confidence made to the MSTU Board of Control
     at the informal meeting of the President's Cabinet with the
     Board held on 1992 January 31.  A copy is attached as Appendix

     There was considerable discussion about the informal meeting
     with the Board.
         1. The Board did not seem pleased about the existence of the
            vote of confidence.  They said that faculty opinion is
            only one of the criteria used to evaluate administrators.

         2. There is perceived to be a need to coordinate support for
            President Tompkin's policy of openness.

         3. There were some actions taken as a result of this
               (a)   It was moved by P. Tampas and seconded by C. Selfe
                     that the Senate Executive Committee meet with
                     President Tompkins to discuss our view of
                     communication with the Board.  Passed 13 Yes; 5

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               (b)   It was moved by C. Selfe and seconded by J.
                     Fynewever that Senate members who attended
                     meetings with the Board of Control draft an open
                     letter to the Board for publication in the
                     Michigan Tech Lode.

               (c)   It was moved by M. Vable and seconded by D.
                     Hubbard that the motion be amended to read as
                     The MTU Senate endorses the policy of
                     participatory activity and opennes in the
                     operation of MTU and that a public statement about
                     this be written and approved by the Senate at the
                     meeting to be held 1992 February 19.

                     It was moved and seconded tha tthe motion bve
                     amended further to read as follows:
                     The MTU Senate endorses the policy of President
                     Tompkins with respect to participatory processes
                     and openness.

                     The second amendment failed.

                     The first amendment passed:  13 Yes; 6 No.

                     President Julien instructed the Board of Control
                     Liaison Task Force to prepare the statement.

               (c)   It was moved by T. Sharik and seconded by B. Seely
                     that the Board of Control Liaison Committee made
                     up of chairpersons of the Senate Committee meet
                     with the Board of Control to discuss
                     communications and the democratic process at MTU.


VI.  Committee Reports

     A.  Budget Liaison Officer

         Part of this report came from the President's Cabinet and
         was reported by L. Julien.
            1) The Board of Control believes that there will be no
               increase or reduction in the state appropriations for
               next year.

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            2) The Board will not make a 21% tuition increase.  The
               increase will be lower.

            3) The Board will not support any major expense without
               specific funds being designated for it.

            C. Walck continued the report.

            4) The Board of Control wants to hire an interim chief
               financial officer.  A candidate has been identified and
               will be interviewed.  The Financial Advisory Committee
               has not selected this candidate from a pool of
               qualified candidates.

     B.  Curricular Policy - No report

     C.  Fringe Benefits

         1. Further presentations of the proposed retirement plan
            have been made.
          * Deans and Department Heads (Friday, 1992 Jan.31)
          * President and Vice-Presidents(Tues., 1992 Feb.4)
          * Financial Advisory Committee (Tues., 1992 Feb.4)

            All groups were in favor of a plan similar to the one
            proposed.  New cases will be studied to determine the
            costs of the program under different sets of assumptions.

            A new table of netcosts is attached as Appendix B.  A
            graphy of part of this information is also attached.

         2. L. Juliew reported the Board of Control response to the
            proposed retirement program.

            The Board is in favor of a uniform retirement policy. 
            Because the Board believes that the state appropriateion
            will not be increased, the money for the program must
            come from current funds.  No loans will be solicited to
            finance any retirement program.

         3. C. Walck reported the Financial Advisory Committee
            response to the proposed programs.

            Two questions were discussed:
               (a)   Should there be a co-payment for medical benefits
                     for the retiree and spouse?
               (b)   What should the amount of the annuity be?

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     D.  Institutional Evaluation

         Two evaluation plans are being developed -- rapid feedback
         and reappointment.  The plan for evaluation for
         reappointment is complete.

         The feedback plan is in the first draft stage.  The outline
         is as follows.

            1. Reminder to administrators to be evaluated to
               distribute forms.
            2. Forms collected by department senators.
            3. Data compiled by Center for Teaching Excellence.
            4. Comments sent to those being evaluated.
            5. Summarized numerical results sent to supervisors of
               those being evaluated.

         The committee is still working on the disposition of the

     E.  Instructional Policy

         Three items are being considered.

         1. Clarification of final examination policy.
         2. Student integrity policy.
         3. Cheating policy.

     F.  Board of Control Liaison

         Report was given as part of other reports.

     G.  Elections

         It was moved by T. Grezlak and seconded by L. Leifer that
         the position of laboratory supervisor be included in the
         senate constituency.

Passed (one dissenting vote)

VII. Reports from ad hoc and other committees

     A.  Task Forceon Trade Offs; University Planning Committee

         No report.

     B.  Computer Executive Committee

         The Alliant Computer proposal was sent forward.  The Board
         of Control approved this because there was no cost.  The
         Cabinet discussion was

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         unfavorable.  No one seems to know what the actual cost will
         be.  There should be a report from the computer advisory

     C.  President's Cabinet
         Report has been given as part of other reports.

     D.  Faculty governance and selection of supervisors

         Three documents about proposed procedures were distributed.
         1. Position discription
         2. Department charter
         3. Search procedures

         These documents are attached as Appendix C.
         Senators should be ready to give feedback at the next

VIII. Old Business

     A.  Senate constitution and constituency task force.
         The task force is meeting by mail about the constituency. 
         They still plan to examine constitutions from other
         univerisites and to develop a model constitution.

     B.  It was moved by M. Vable and seconded by K. Heuvers that a
         Senate handbook of procedures be developed.

IX.  New Business

     A.  Written records of deliberations of all committees dealing
         with promotion and tenure should be kept.  This will be an
         item to be discussed at the next meeting.

     B.  Nominations for the Treasurer Search Committee

         Nominations are to be closed on Thursday, Feb. 13.
         Lists are to be sent Fridaym Feb. 14.
         Election will be at the meeting of Feb. 19.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 pm.

                                   Submitted by,

                                   Davis W. Hubbard
                                   Senate Secretary