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                          The Senate of
                Michigan Technological University

             Minutes:  Special Meeting No. 1 of 1992

Special Meeting No. 1 of 1992 was called to order by President
Julien at 7:02 PM on 1992 January 15 in Ballroom A of the Memorial
Union Building.

     I.   Roll call

          Thirty one Senators or Alternates were present for this
          meeting.  Absent:  D. Poplawski, G. Pliska-Matyshak, W.

     II.  Visitors

          The following visitors were recognized.

               Kris Lippman
               Frank Monasa
               Phyllis Boutilier
               Richard Brown
               Samson Marshall
               James Waber

     III. Minutes

          The minutes for the two previous meetings were not ready
          for review.

     IV.  President's report

          A.  President Julien yields the floor to C. Tompkins

               1. Fund raising campaign for the Performing Arts
                  Center was announced.
                  *Chairman named - J. Klungness (Iron Mountain)
                  *Major donors are to be identified and visited.

               2. There will be an appearance by C. Tompkins on
                  "Media Meet" (channel 13) on Thursday, Jan.16.

               3. Cabinet report

                  a) State budget may have a 2% increase.

                  b) Cabinet agrees there should be one fewer Vice-
                     President.  Those presently in vice-president
                     positions will retain their titles.

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                  c) The cabinet will consider search procedures on
                     Friday, January 17.

                  d) C. Tompkins would like a simple evaluation
                     procedure which can be done frequently.

                  e) An internal posting for the financial manager
                     position will be made.

                  f) G. Becia is the new chair person for the staff

                  g) The Board of Control was asked to have
                     informal meetings with some Senate represent-
                     atives and with the Cabinet.  The Board of
                     Control meeting agenda is discussed at and
                     items are suggested.  This is a chance for the
                     Senate to influence the Board of Control
                     meeting agenda.

          B.  L. Julien reported that the Academic Council has been
              dissolved.  Department Heads and Deans are going to
              meet with the Provost instead.

          C.  L. Julien read a letter from M. Vable about
              evaluations and the disposition of written comments.

              1. Tompkins said there was a discussion in the
                 cabinet about the legal aspects of releasing the

              2. He says it is difficult to avoid the risk of libel
                 action by disgruntled people who have been
                 evaluated.  The evaluators should be aware of the
                 risk and accept it.  It is still not clear that
                 MTU will provide legal defense if a libel suit
                 should arise.

              3. E. Horst - the MTU legal counsel - said that any
                 comments or summaries of comments will probably be
                 subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of
                 Information Act.

     V.   Vice - President's Report

          A.   Board of Control Liaison Committee has a place on
               the Board of Control agenda for the January 31
               meeting. The Board wants a report about the vote of
               confidence held on _______________.

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          B.   There will be an informal meeting with the Board of
               Control on Friday, January 31, 1992 (10:00 AM,
               President's home).  Some topics which might be
               discussed are:
                  1) Fringe benefits committee report
                  2) Spouse tuition waiver program
                  3) Provost search; search guidelines

               It was moved by W. Shapton and seconded by C. Selfe
               that the Senate Vice-President and the chair persons
               of pertinent committees represent the Senate at
               informal meetings with the Board of Control.

               This motion was deferred to new business.

     VI.  Committee Reports

          A.   Budget Liaison Officer

               Administrative officers of MTU do not believe that
               there is anyone now employed who is qualified to
               serve as Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer.  The
               current applicants for the position of financial
               planning officer do not have the correct
               qualifications for the Treasurer position.  It is
               not appropriate to use the same list of candidates.
               The job description for the Treasurer position is
               still not clear.

          B.   Curricular Policy Committee

               No report

          C.   Fringe Benefits Committee

               This committee is examining new issues such as the
               tuition waiver for spouses.

          D.   Institutional Evaluation Committee

               1) C. Tompkins is interested in having simple
                  evaluation procedure which gives rapid feedback
                  and which can be used frequently.
                2) The committee is developing an evaluation system
                  which can be used for reappointment decisions and
                  action.  The questionnaire part of the procedure
                  can be used by anyone to obtain frequent

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               3) The evaluation procedure contains an
                  understanding that department heads and deans
                  will have three-year appointments.

               4) Position descriptions are needed as part of the
                  standard to be incorporated into the evaluation

               5) Two staff council members - Diane Garrow and ____
                  Kirk - are attending meetings to provide liaison
                  with the corresponding staff council committee
                  on evaluation procedures.

          E.   Instructional Policy

               No report.  K. Huevers accepts appointment as the
               committee chairperson.

          F.   Board of Control Liaison Committee

               This report was given as part of the vice-presidents

          G.   Election Committee

               The selection of representatives for the Provost
               search committee will take place at a special
               meeting 1992 January 22 at 5:30 PM at a place to be

               W. Melton moved and C. Selfe seconded that the
               nominations be open through Friday 1992 January 17.

               Passed (no dissent).

               Nominations should be sent to P. Tampas.

               The voting procedure is described in the memorandum
               from P. Tampas dated 1992 January 7.  This is
               attached as Appendix A.

               The voting can be done expeditiously by show of

     VII. Reports from ad hoc and affiliated committees

          A.   University Planning - no report

          B.   Computer executive - no report

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          C.   Retirement benefits - report under new business

          D.   President's cabinet - given with President's report

          E.   Search  committee procedures.

               The committee is now working on procedures for
               department heads and deans.  The first draft about
               procedure for searching for internal candidates is
               complete.  Discussions are beginning.

   VIII.  Old Business

          A.   Budget for Senate expenses

               D. Hubbard proposes the following items.

               1) Secretary - 1/4 time         $4,000.00
               2) Travel for consultants       $1,500.00
               3) Printing and duplicating     $1,200.00
               4) Legal advice fees            $  500.00
               5) Travel to off-campus
                  Board of Control meetings    $1,000.00
                                   TOTAL       $8,200.00

               No action.

          B.   Voting procedures

               This was discussed in the elections committee

          C.   Senate Constituency and Constitution

               The task force reported as follows.

               1) Information is being developed in order
                  to have a sense of how other universities

               2) Develop a model constitution to be discussed.

               3) Clarification of the change to the task force
                  is needed.  The group could define the potential
                  constituents and make a recommendation.

               It was moved by C. Selfe and seconded by K. Huevers
               that the present committee draft a new Senate

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               Passed (one dissenting vote).

               New members volunteer for duty on this committee.

                    John Pilling
                    James Waber
                    Peter Laks

     IX.  New Business

          A.   Retirements benefits proposal

               K. Huevers moved and C. Selfe seconded that the
               proposal about augmented retirement benefits by the
               Ad Hoc Fringe Benefits Committee be recommended to
               the MTU administration and Board of Control.
               The proposal is attached as Appendix B.

               The discussion centered on three points.

               1) There is a strong feeling that a uniform policy
                  is needed and that favoritism and special deals
                  should be eliminated.

               2) Most people support the medical benefits section
                  of the proposal.

               3) There is less support for the insurance and
                  annuity section of the proposal.

               It was moved by T. Sharik and seconded by P. Laks to
               table the motion until the next regular Senate

               Motion to table was defeated.

               The motion was passed.  19 Yes  3 No.

          B.   Informal meetings with Board of Control.

               The motion made in connection with the Vice-
               President's report (Item V (b) above) was passed.

          The meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM.

                                        Submitted by

                                        Davis W. Hubbard
