The University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Minutes of Meeting 530

6 March 2013


Synopsis:  Presentation:  “Accreditation, Assessment, and General Education” by Christa Walck, Associate Provost


1. Call to order and roll call. President Bill Bulleit called the University Senate Meeting 530 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2013. The Senate Secretary Brian Barkdoll called roll. Absent were representatives of the Army/Air Force ROTC, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, Administration, Finance, and Technology. 

Recognition of visitors. Guests included Max Seel (Provost’s Office), Christa Walck (Provosts Office), Andrew Storer (School of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences), Bonnie Gorman (Dean of Students Office), Suarav Pathak (School of Business and Economics), and Ellen Marks (Library).

2. Approval of agenda. Bulleit asked if there were any changes. There being no additional suggestions, the agenda PASSED on a voice vote.     


3. Approval of minutes from Meeting 529.  Bulleit asked if there were any changes. There being no additional suggestions, the minutes were APPROVED on a voice vote.


4. Presentation:  “Accreditation, Assessment, and General Education” by Christa Walck, Associate Provost                                 slides


Walck discussed the switch to Open Pathways accreditation (formerly AQIP) and the new accreditation criteria which emphasize assessment to improve student learning.  Regarding assessment, she reviewed the University Learning Goals and recent recommendations to shift “human culture” from goal 2, which will now be Knowledge of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, to goal 3, which will be Global Literacy and Human Culture.  .  She stated that direct embedded assessment is to be emphasized.  Michigan may become a LEAP state, which could offer opportunities to benchmark our goals.  In 2013-4, all degree programs will assess Goal 5: Communication.  To help prepare, she encouraged participation in the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Communication Workshop on March 28. Regarding General Education, Walck reported that additional changes to Gen Ed would be proposed in Fall 2013 for implementation in Fall 2015.  Bulleit asked how issues will be communicated to the Senate.  Walck responded that when the Communication and Global Learning Committees and General Education Council have complete recommendations, they will work with the Senate Curricular Policy Committee to bring them to the Senate. Moran suggested that  Assessment and Gen Ed Councils coordinate with faculty working on ABET goals. 


5.  Reports

a.  Senate President

Bulleit said that Proposals 11-13, 16-13, and 17-13 were approved by the administration and that Proposal 15-13 was approved by the administration and the BOC.  15-13 still needs to be approved by the Academic Affairs Officers Council. For future Senate meetings on March 27 there will be a benefits presentation for which advanced questions can be sent to Renee Hiller or Bulleit by March 20. On April 10 Dave Reed will present on university finances for which advanced questions could also be sent to Bulleit by April 1. 

b.  Senate Standing Committees

Barr reminded Senators to ask constituents to complete the benefits survey by the Fringe Benefits Committee.  Riehl stated that the Elections Committee has called for nominations for spring elections.  Moran requested input for the issue of courses allowed in research-only mode that he raised at the last Senate meeting.



6.  Old Business:


a. Proposal 12-13:  “Modification to Search Procedures for College Deans” presented by Administrative Policy Committee (Voting Units:  Full Senate)

The proposal PASSED unopposed by hand vote.


b. Proposal 18-13:  “Proposal for a Master of Geographic Information Science (MGIS)” presented by Curricular Policy and Finance Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)

Mullins said it cleared Finance Comm.  Nooshabadi read a statement of support from the committee.


The proposal PASSED unopposed by hand vote.


7. New Business

Proposal 19-13   “Proposal for a Spin-Off from “B.S. in Management” to “B.S. in Management with a Concentration in Entrepreneurship” presented by Curricular Policy Committee.


Nooshabadi read a statement of support from the committee.  Pathak gave background on the proposed concentration.  Mullins said that the Senate Finance Committee had not discussed the proposal yet and asked if making more concentrations will help falling enrollment.  Seel said some low-enrollment concentrations have been shelved if enrollment was low and that this one is important. 


8.  Adjournment. 

President Bulleit adjourned the meeting at 6:32pm.


Respectfully submitted

by Brian Barkdoll

Secretary of the University Senate