The University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Minutes of Meeting 529

6 February 2013


Synopsis:  Presentation:  “The Future of Higher Education:  Some Big Picture Questions” presented by Maximilian Seel, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs


1. Call to order and roll call. President Bill Bulleit called the University Senate Meeting 529 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2013. The Senate Secretary Brian Barkdoll called roll. Absent were a representatives of the Army/Air Force ROTC, Chemistry, Academic /Services A, Advancement, Auxiliaries, and Student Affairs.

Recognition of visitors. Guests included Max Seel (Provost’s Office), Bonnie Gorman (Dean of Students Office), Terry Sharik (Forest Resources), and Mark Gockenbach (Mathematics).

2. Approval of agenda. Bulleit asked if there were any changes; the agenda PASSED on a voice vote.  


3. Approval of minutes from Meeting 528.  Bulleit asked if there were any changes. There being no additional suggestions, the minutes were APPROVED on a voice vote.


4. Presentation:  “The Future of Higher Education:  Some Big Picture Questions” presented by Maximilian Seel, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs   slides


Seel talked about MOOCs and their potential change on higher education.  He raised the issues of the purpose of public research universities and that some are recommending $10k degrees.  He mentioned ways to stay relevant that include to:  innovate, leverage our place, transform society, value entrepreneurship, conduct use-inspired research, enable student success, fuse intellectual disciplines, be socially embedded, engage globally, be a place for the arts.


Vable asked how this might change our Strategic Plan.  Seel answered that we still have the right path.  Vable asked how can we not restrict education to the rich only, since our tuition has risen, to which Seel responded that we must keep tuition reasonable because all economic levels of students need a campus experience.  He emphasized the need to consider financial aid balance.  Beck stated that universities should be collecting data to determine if employers value MOOCs or not.  Seel also said that laboratory experience is important and that we have high hiring rates and salaries.  Beck said that universities need to tell legislatures that online course quality is not as good.  Onder stated that we should do things others are not and that there is not enough fundamental research.  SFHI was good to get valuable people.  We should focus on what we do different and not worry about online courses.  Seel asked for feedback on the big picture direction for the university.  Mirchi asked if this will affect graduate research to which Seel replied that Michigan businesses are on board with Masters-level education to ensure an educated workforce.  Others may not see the need as much, however.  Moran stated that our niche is defined as a technical university and that we should focus on hands-on experiences.  We should not dilute our brand by offering MOOCs. 


5.  Reports

a.  Senate President

Bulleit said that the Faculty Handbook is being checked for inconsistencies and asked for comments from the senate as well as reminding the Senators of the Graduate Research Colloquium coming up.

b.  Senate Standing Committees

Gierke stated that Curricular Policy Committee is reviewing a new minor in aerospace, and a concentration in entrepreneurship for the future.  Moran suggested allowing some graduate credits to be taken at reduced tuition when in Research-Only Mode to encourage students to deepen their knowledge through these courses.  Vable said that anyone can sit in on a class to learn to which Hamlin reminded him that they need to pay an Auditing Fee. Mirchi said that the GSG is concerned about students paying more tuition.  Bulleit referred the matter to the Research Policy Committee. 


6.  Old Business:

     a. Proposal 11-13:  “Proposal to Shelve a Degree Program:  B.S. in Operations and Systems Management” presented by Curricular Policy Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)

Bulleit called for a vote which was APPROVED without opposition.

     b. Proposal 12-13:  “Modification to Search Procedures for College Deans” presented by Administrative Policy Committee (Voting Units:  Full Senate)

It was voted on to table the proposal.

     c. Proposal 14-13:  “Modification to Early Tenure Policy” presented by Administrative Policy Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)

Moran’s unit’s constituents vote against it since it reduced the departments influence.  Nooshabadi said that his unit’s constituents are for it.  Froese pointed out an apparent discrepancy in the proposal regarding allowing candidates to go up for early tenure unlimited times.   Bulleit stated that the CATPR wanted an appeal process and a chance for the BOC to decide.  Onder got a mixed response from his unit’s constituents.  He suggested that the decision could be opened up to the whole unit if some faculty members are blocking it unfairly.  Froese stated that this policy must align with the BOC policy.  Seel said that the CATPR interprets policy on this.  Early Tenure should remain the exception, not something a faculty member can try every year.  Gierke stated that the appeal process is only for procedure.  Bulleit stated that it is university policy that votes on tenure matters must undergo a referendum for all tenured and tenure-track faculty.  The proposal was APPROVED by a vote of 14 for, 6 against, 1 abstention.

     d. Proposal 15-13:  “Proposal for a New Concentration in Business Analytics” presented by Curricular Policy and Finance Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)

The Finance Committee representative stated that they noticed an apparent lack of information on demand outside of the university, how the proposed concentration fits into the University Strategic Plan, the prevalence in other institutions, the market for graduates, and plans for growth.  Gockenbach replied that companies have asked for this and that no other universities have this on the undergraduate level.  Breffle stated that SBE is now in favor.  The proposal was APPROVED unopposed.

     e. Proposal 16-13:  “Proposal for a New Certificate in Business Analytics” presented by Curricular Policy and Finance Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)

Breffle pointed out that the SBE had a lack of time to be involved in the development of this certificate program, and thus is not involved in administering the program at all.  The proposal was APROVED unopposed.

     f. Proposal 17-13:  “Proposal to Amend University Senate Policy 418.1:  Graduate Scholastic Standards” presented by Instructional Policy Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)

The proposal was APPROVED with one opposed.

7. New Business

Proposal 18-13:  “Proposal for a Master of Geographic Information Science (MGIS)” presented by Curricular Policy and Finance Committee (Voting Units:  Academic)


Sharik stated that this is a university-wide effort.  Gierke pointed out that it is a coursework-only masters degree.  Seel stated that it would require additional resources for a professor of practice, which has been arranged through an internal realignment.  Hungwe asked if there are other such degrees to which Gierke said yes, in the School of Technology, but they are supportive. 


8.  Adjournment. 

President Bulleit adjourned the meeting at 7:17pm.


Respectfully submitted

by Brian Barkdoll

Secretary of the University Senate