The University Senate of Michigan Technological University


Minutes of Meeting 528

23 January 2013


Synopsis:  Open Discussion: “The Role of the Senate at Michigan Tech”


1. Call to order and roll call. President Bill Bulleit called the University Senate Meeting 528 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, January 23, 2013. The Senate Secretary Brian Barkdoll called roll. Absent was a representative of the Army/Air Force ROTC, Physics, Auxiliaries, Student Affairs, and Technology.

Recognition of visitors. Guests included Max Seel (Provost’s Office), Bonnie Gorman (Dean of Students Office), Jackie Huntoon (Graduate School), and Mark Gockenbach (Mathematics).

2. Approval of agenda. Bulleit asked if there were any changes; the agenda passed on a voice vote.           


3. Approval of minutes from Meeting 527.  Bulleit asked if there were any changes. There being no additional suggestions, the minutes were passed on a voice vote.


4. Open Discussion: “The Role of the Senate at Michigan Tech” led by Bill Bulleit

Bulleit asked what the role of the Senate should be since it was not asked beforehand about the tobacco-free campus.  He said to the BOC that he doesn’t feel that the senate is being listened to.  He mentioned examples of the tobacco-free policy and the university learning goals.  The BOC did not say much but did agree.  The BOC made changes to issues that were original Senate policies without asking the Senate so now some BOC and Senate policies don’t agree.  Moran stated that the perception among faculty and staff is that we are purely advisory and at the pleasure of the administration.  This perception of irrelevance limits the time senators want to spend on senate matters.  He stated that we need a list of things that MUST pass the Senate.  Bulleit said we do have List A in the Senate Constitution and bylaws that deal with academic affairs.  Barr asked if we can look at the constitution or bylaws to see the role of the Senate.  List A and B were put up on the front screen.  Vable suggested that any university policy that changes will be introduced in one BOC meeting and then the Senate should get the constituents opinions and give them to the BOC for the next meeting.  Seel said that some issues take several years to be resolved.  He said that the university learning goals were presented at 2 Senate meetings, but not voted on by the Senate Curricular Policy Committee and that any oversight on this was unintentional.  Each year the faculty handbook is gone over for inconsistencies and relevant sections are sent to constituents and the Senate.  The BOC wants some direct interaction with the senate for academic affairs.  Mullins said that accreditation was done without Senate consultation, but the Senate needs to be proactive.  Teaching evaluation is another example of where we need to be more involved.  Bulleit said that would require more work for the senate.  Seel said that a Senate committee is involved in teaching evaluations.  Moran said we should be proactive but it will require work.  He suggested that the Senate don’t work on B list issues unless we are asked to by the administration or if the issue is important enough to get our input even if not asked.  It was mentioned that the tobacco-free policy should have been asked since the Senate has a policy already.  Mullins stated that fringe benefits are important.  Onder was disappointed by Mroz’s decision to go ahead with a tobacco-free policy.  Academic members are important and the Senate represents us, but B list issues dealing with workplace quality are equally important.  Scarlett stated that the Senate mission charge is to be the principle venue of debate on campus life.  Now the Senate seems like just a stamp of approval to what the administration and the BOC wants.  Froese said that the Senate should act on the BOC tobacco-free policy and provide information to the constituents and the administration.  Onder said that the university task force representative should go to the Senate and the Senate should send their recommendation together with the administration’s recommendation to the BOC.  Barr asked how the Senate can avoid being bypassed.  Bulleit stated that it is the BOC who approved the Senate constitution.  Ong suggested adding language that the policy will not be official without Senate approval.  Hungwe asked when the administration and the BOC stopped consulting the Senate.  Bulleit stated that there was no distinct point, but the BOC changed many policies in 2010 without consulting the Senate.  Riehl asked if the BOC will allow us to add that all BOC ideas must be shared with the senate.  Bulleit said that sometimes senators are put on university task committees.  Moran stated that the Senate cannot approve every policy due to time constraints.  Onder stated that being on a committee does not truly represent the senate.  Bulleit said that our choices are to either change the Senate constitution or get the BOC to change its constitution.  Bulleit offered that the Senate has a cognitive diversity that helps make better decisions.  Vable mentioned that he thought that people don’t want to serve on the Senate since they are not effective.  Hendrickson stated that many don’t want to be on any Senate committees.  Vable remembered that people were involved when it made a difference.  Bullet said he will approach the BOC at their February meeting.  Mullins said that the BOC has stood behind the senate about academic issues historically, but recently some issues have gone through without Senate consultation, like accreditation and university learning goals.  Seel reminded him that some university committees have senators on them and that the university learning goals were shown at a past senate meeting.  The Gen Ed Committee (developed by the Senate) developed them.  Plummer asked about the status of accreditation, to which Seel said that recommendations will be given to senate when available.


5.  Reports

a.  Senate President

Bulleit introduced Mirchi who asked for support of the Graduate Research Colloquium by serving as judges and sponsoring of refreshments.

b.  Senate Standing Committees

Gierke said that the Curricular Policy Committee was working on new programs.  Caneba asked for ideas for a new set of survey questions on specific issues.


6.  Old Business:

Proposal 7-13: “Tobacco-Free Campus”

Vable suggested that we put in the present Senate policy that the BOC has negated this proposal.  Moran asked if we should challenge the new policy.  Onder said that we cannot vote again since we already ran a referendum.  Froese said that we should decide something if we want to be relevant.  Nooshabadi said that the referendum was not conclusive.  Moran disagreed.  Seel thought that adding language to the present Senate policy was a good idea.  Riehl thought that a vote on the BOC policy should be taken and then we should act accordingly.  Barr said that we need to decide now.  Nooshabadi said that we should include the referendum results on the present Senate policy.  Mullins called the question.  Bulleit called for a vote on the BOC tobacco-free campus.  The results were 10 for YES and 14 for NO with 2 abstentions.  It was decided that the current Senate policy should be removed since it is over-ridden by the BOC policy.

7.  New Business

a.  Proposal 11-13: “Proposal to Shelve a Degree Program: B.S. in Operations and Systems Management” presented by Curricular Policy Committee

Gierke introduced it by saying that since the replacement program was approved, this program can be shelved.

b. Proposal 12-13: “Modification to Search Procedures for College Deans” presented by Administrative Policy Committee

Bulleit informed the group that there were issues in the last dean search regarding due diligence on all candidates that visited campus.  Since this caused objections, it is suggested that it only be performed on serious candidates.  Hyslop added a friendly amendment stating that the words ‘at least’ be added before ‘one staff member’.

c. Proposal 14-13: “Modification to Early Tenure Policy” presented by Academic Policy Committee

Scarlett asked for feedback from constituents since this proposal would allow a candidate to forward the application past the department and department chair and adds a vote of appeal.  Gockenbach added that maternity leave can stop the tenure clock, but some candidates may want to go up for tenure at the normal time.  Moran said that the department and Chair should not be allowed to be bypassed.  Froese stated that only the BOC can approve so any impediment should be removed.

d.  Proposal 15-13: “Proposal for a New Concentration in Business Analytics” presented by Curricular Policy Committee

Gockenbach stated that this is in response to industry demand.

e.  Proposal 16-13: “Proposal for a New Certificate in Business Analytics” presented by Curricular Policy Committee.

Gockenbach stated that this is for SBE students.  Breffle said that SBE had issues with this that were not dealt with, but Gockenbach said that SBE Dean did approve the current version. 

Mullins said that the Senate Finance Committee had not discussed this yet, but that they need more information, including numbers of students expected.  He reiterated that there is a cost to offering courses.  It will be sent back to the Math Department for more numbers on finances.

f.  Proposal 17-13: “Proposal to Amend University Senate Policy 418.1: Graduate Scholastic Standards” presented by Instructional Policy Committee.

Riehl stated for Hamlin that this would state that each graduate program will decide if grades lower than a ‘B’ in the major field of study will be counted.

8.  Adjournment. 

President Bulleit adjourned the meeting at 7:25pm.


Respectfully submitted

by Brian Barkdoll

Secretary of the University Senate