The University Senate

of Michigan Technological University


Minutes of Meeting 514

7 December 2011



The Senate

·         Report by Sabbatical Leave Committee by Dr. Susan Bagley

·         Presentation on Progress of the IT Consolidation  by Dr. Walt Milligan     

·         Proposal 9-12 passed

·         Proposal 10-12 passed


1. Call to order and roll call. President Rudy Luck called the University Senate Meeting 514 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, December 7, 2011. The Senate Secretary Marty Thompson called roll. Absent were representatives of Biomedical Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Auxiliaries and Cultural Enrichment, Student Affairs, Graduate Faculty Council and Staff Council.


2. Recognition of visitors. Guests included Max Seel (Provost Office), Stacey Kukkonen (Daily Mining Gazette), Anita Quinn (Human Resources), Walt Milligan (IT), Susan Bagley (Biological Sciences), Shawn Sullivan (ITSS), Hasan Sapci (School of Technology), Guy Hembroff (School of Technology), Jessica Benda (Student Affairs), John Jaszczak (Physics) and Ravi Pandey (Physics).

3. Approval of agenda. Luck asked if there were any changes; there being none Luck declared the agenda stood approved.


4. Approval of minutes from Meetings 513.  Luck asked if there were any changes; there being none Luck declared the minutes stood approved.


5. Annual Report from the Sabbatical Leave Committee by Dr. Susan Bagley 

Bagley discussed committee activity for the academic year 2010-2011. She presented the number of sabbatical requests by college and provided trends over the last five years. Bagley added that half of the sabbatical requests are for two semesters as opposed to one semester. She concluded by noting the percentage of faculty who travel abroad for sabbatical and the number of reports filed after sabbatical completion. Bulleit noted the reports are online, but those not submitting reports are not mentioned. Bagley said the reports are no longer online. Luck asked if there was a reason the reports were not online. Seel said privacy issues were the primary reason as the reports are not required to be on public display. Mullins asked what was the percentage of eligible faculty taking sabbatical at Tech as compared to other universities. Bagley said it was not clear but estimated that number at about 3.5% back in the 90’s to the current 12%. Seel said 1/7th of tenured faculty is about 14%, so Tech is pretty close (Tech’s number is 12%). Bagley said the numbers vary between colleges. Luck asked why that was. Bagley said she does not know. Luck thanked Bagley.


6. Presentation: “Progress of the IT Consolidation  by Dr. Walt Milligan     

Luck introduced Milligan, CIO, who discussed key topics, including the new organizational structure, changes to Blackboard and current IT projects. He provided an overview of the consolidation of user support services and estimated IT is getting about 100 work requests per day or 40,000 per year. Milligan listed several positive outcomes from the consolidation, as well as several ongoing challenges. He stated that we would be moving from Zimbra to gmail. Luck asked if the domain name would still be Milligan affirmed this and expected the change to be implemented before the end of the spring semester. Mullins asked how many institutions still use zimbra. Milligan said not many. Onder asked if different email clients will work with gmail. Milligan affirmed that they would. Gierke asked about integration of the program. Milligan said google can successfully integrate programs. He mentioned the new learning management system (Canvas) that was the most popular among those testing different systems and has the favor of faculty and students over Blackboard v.9.1. Milligan expects Canvas to be ready at the start of spring, but will be the only system in place as of summer 2012. Barkdoll asked if we can access past gradebooks. Milligan said that information will be lost but they are researching an alternate format to make that data available. Barkdoll asked if information in the dropbox will still be available. Milligan said no and provided a list of available datafile types. Barkdoll noted that such information is useful for assessment. Milligan said the $15 million expenditure on IT is 7.5% of all campus expenditures, which is between 7-12% nationally. Mullins said that cost must be 7.5% of general fund expenditures and not total campus expenditures. Milligan said it was total expenditures, including research. He added that he will not know total costs or revenue until the end of the year, but he feels that central IT is offering more service for less cost. Milligan concluded by summarizing that things are going well. Onder asked why a single ISO password is required for multiple logins as it poses a security risk. Milligan said he has not thought much about that issue, but will look into it. Onder asked if google mail has confidentiality issues. Milligan said Tech owns the data which is located in the USA. Regarding computer labs, Onder said student labs are needed and peak demand should be considered when making decisions about available resources. Milligan agreed and affirmed that to be a central consideration. Barkdoll said students often use labs for personal use. Bulleit commented that communication of network-wide IT problems is an issue that could limit the number of tickets. Milligan said he does not want to spam people with emails. Irwin asked about the services provided, which include research computing and general computing needs. Milligan said IT services include high performance computing. Irwin said these people also require help for specialized research computing. Milligan said IT services are there to help faculty do their job.


7. Provost

Seel announced the development of a physical therapy (PT) program in collaboration with Central Michigan University. His primary objective was to keep the senate informed about recent progress and provided multiple lines of rationale for developing this new program.


8. Report from the Senate President

Luck, thanked Thompson, Senate Secretary for his service as he leaves for sabbatical. He announced the BOC breakfast this coming Friday. Luck noted the administration approved the charter for Biomedical Engineering and Proposals 6-12 through 8-12. Luck read the response from Senator Huuki in response to the Sense of the Senate letter. Luck concluded by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and thanked everyone for their service.


9. Report from Senate Standing Committees

Barkdoll, Research Committee, requested everyone fill out an online survey regarding research productivity. He added the NIH has released their COI rules and Dave Reed is using this to develop a corresponding policy Tech researchers can follow.


Onder, Elections Committee, asked for nominations for Senate Secretary to replace the esteemed Thompson. The nomination for Barkdoll was put forth. Luck asked if there were any additional nominees; there being none he called for a voice vote; Barkdoll was elected with unanimous support.


10. Old Business

Proposal 9-12:  “Bachelor of Arts in Physics”

Luck introduced Jaszczak who proceeded to describe proposal content and rational. He discussed the impact on student numbers, changes in student demographics and impact on secondary education certification. Jaszczak provided a timeline for the development of the proposals. Caneba asked if there was a pathway for engineers to pursue the secondary education certification. Jaszczak said the concentrations help students meet certification which comes from the state via a separate process. Baltensperger said any discipline can offer courses but they will need to align the courses with state requirements for certification. He added that a path can be made for any discipline but due to small numbers it is preferable to address such cases individually. Luck thanked Jaszczak. He noted that the Curricular Policy Committee (CPC) has supported this proposal and asked it move forward. Mullins said the financial info has been completed and the Finance Committee (FC) is satisfied. Luck asked if there were any additional comments on the proposal; there being none he called for a vote; the proposal passed by majority on a voice vote.


Proposal 10-12:  “Bachelor of Arts in Physics with a Concentration in Secondary Education”

Luck asked CPC and FC if each supports the proposal. Members of both committees affirmed support. Stockero said her constituents support this proposal. Luck asked if there were any additional comments on the proposal; there being none he called for a vote; the proposal passed by majority on a voice vote.


11. New Business

No new business.


12. Adjournment.  Onder moved to adjourn; Scarlett seconded the motion. President Luck adjourned the meeting at 6:42pm


Respectfully submitted

by Marty Thompson

Secretary of the University Senate