THE university SENATE OF


Minutes of Meeting 440

13 September 2006


(1)   Walter Milligan reported on the new Chief Information Officer position and his method of approach.

(2)   President Sloan reported that the MBA program has received all necessary approvals.

(3)   The Senate approved its meeting dates and committee assignments.

(4)   Larry Sutter reported on the status of the Provost search.


President Sloan called the University Senate Meeting 440 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, 13 September 2006, in Room B45 EERC.

Secretary Glime called roll.  Absent were representatives from the Library, Physics, and Academic Services B.  Liaisons in attendance were Cailee Pearson (USG) and Nick Nanninga (GSC).  Academic Services C, Auxiliaries, and Advancement currently have no elected representatives.


Guests included Travis Pierce (Student Affairs), Jackie Huntoon (Graduate School), and Dave Reed (Provost).


Clancey MOVED and Pollins seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion to approve PASSED on voice vote with no dissent. [Appendix A. NOTE: Only official Senate and library archival copies of the minutes will contain a full complement of appendices.]

4.     Report – Information Technology at Michigan Tech:  Current Status and Future Outlook, Dr. Walter Milligan

Walt Milligan reported that he started as CIO of Information Technology on 1 July.  His appointment is 60% fall semester and 75% spring semester, with the remainder of the appointment in teaching.  He believes it is important for him to teach to stay in touch with that part of the information technology spectrum.  For the present, the primary thrust of his job is strategic planning and fitting IT into the Institutional Strategic Plan.  He has learned to start with the issues and not to start with identifying strategies.  Once issues are identified, the next step is what to do about them.  We need to identify those needing immediate attention, those needing attention in the near future, and those that need to be monitored. 

We need to identify and understand the issues, then determine what would be the best possible outcome.  Milligan has met with 140 faculty and staff and identified strengths, weaknesses and issues associated with IT on campus.  Interviewees identified networks, distributed computing clusters, SAS, and email as areas of IT that most users were generally happy with, among others.  Issues identified as concerns by large numbers of people were communication, morale, the funding model, classroom technology, and the University web page.   

Milligan identified the number one problem to be the lack of working together on campus.  There are too many silos and there is not enough cooperation.  The funding model is the number two problem, and some of the cooperation problems relate to this model.

Interviewees identified a number of things to be happy about with our systems:  great, capable people; a solid IT infrastructure; good local user support; opportunities for improvement. 

Milligan expects to take multiple approaches to the communication/collaboration problem.  The morale, funding and organizational models, classroom technology, software coordination, and web are best handled by an advisory committee.

The computer lab fee procedures and structure may change, but for this year it is business as usual.

Milligan summarized by stating that the overriding principle will be what is in the best interest of MTU as a whole.  IT exists for service.  He will focus on four C's:  communication, cooperation, collaboration, customers.  To keep the lines of communication open, he has an open-door policy and urges people to contribute their suggestions and concerns.

Senator H. Gorman asked what is the scope of the CIO job.  Milligan responded that the position will evolve and at present the job description includes formulating the job description.  Part of the job will be figuring out what is the best organizational structure.  There are no direct reports now, but there will undoubtedly be a year from now. 

Senator Shene asked if Milligan's slides would be available; they would be useful to the CS department.  Milligan responded that they would be put on the Provost's web site; Milligan will have his own website in a few weeks.

5.     approval of minutes from meeting 438

Clancey MOVED and Williams seconded the motion to approve the minutes of Meeting 438 as presented.  The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Williams MOVED and Clancey seconded the motion to approve the minutes of Meeting 439 as presented.  The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

6.     President’s Report

The Senate Assistant Paige Hackney distributed a report that President Sloan had prepared [Appendix B – attached].  President Sloan welcomed the new Senators and highlighted the most significant items in her report.  The MBA degree was approved by the Board, the state, and again the Board.  The tenure policy passed in the spring must go to the faculty for approval.  The Provost still has several proposals that will either be approved or will need a bit more work.  The Provost will work with the involved committee to work things out. 

Sloan pointed out that the Senate Assistant has distributed pictures of most of the Senators.

Senator Helminen stated that someone on the Ombuds Search Committee has agreed to call the first meeting of that committee.

7.     New Business

A.  Boschetto-Sandoval MOVED and Pollins seconded the motion to approve the Senate meeting dates for 2006-07 as presented [Appendix C].  The motion PASSED on voice vote of the full Senate with no dissent.

B.  Polzien MOVED and Waddell seconded the motion to approve the committee assignments as distributed [Appendix D].  The motion PASSED on voice vote of the full Senate with no dissent. 

Sloan added that four committees already have selected their chairs:  Academic Policy – Beth Flynn; Finance – Michele Miller; Institutional Planning – Scott Pollins; Research Policy – Larry Sutter.  Others should do so as quickly as possible so that the Executive Committee can meet.

C.  Gotschalk MOVED and Polzien seconded the motion to approve Proposal 1-07, Revision of the Bylaws to Reflect Changes in Constituency Units [Appendix E].  The motion PASSED on voice vote of the full Senate with no dissent.

D.  Senator Larry Sutter reported on the status of the Provost search.  He reported that the search conducted during the previous academic year had failed.  The search committee was re-constituted at the end of the spring term, with those not wanting to continue on the committee being replaced.  Names of committee members accompanied the agenda [Appendix F].  A new USG representative has just been identified.  The committee received its official charge on 23 June and has prepared a position description and list of qualifications, also included with the minutes [Appendix G].  A web page <> has been set up for people to comment on the position description and qualifications.  There will be an open forum to discuss these on 18 September (Monday) at 5 pm in 329 Fisher.  There will also be an email mailing of the job description and qualifications.

The committee has discussed what to do differently from what was done in the failed search.  They reconsidered the title of the position, considering the alternative title of Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs.  About half the schools surveyed include the Senior distinction and about half do not.  The committee and administration decided that the title would stay as it is without the Senior designation.

The committee also discussed whether to use a search firm and identified the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.  The hope is that using a search firm would provide more candidates.  That morning they had requested proposals for services from competing search firms, with a 2-week deadline.

The committee also discussed the poor participation in the campus forums.  It sends a bad signal to the candidates and they are open to suggestions to improve attendance.

Senator Bruch asked if there would be a way to comment on the candidates confidentially.  Sutter responded that there would be a web page that would strip off the sender's address. 

Senator Wood asked why the last search had failed.  Sutter responded that we don't really know.  There was only one name at the end and negotiations reached an impasse and then ceased.  The biggest problem was the small pool of applicants and having only one candidate to present to the President.  They are hoping that having a search firm will help.

Senator Flaspohler asked if the uncertain status of the President had caused the smaller pool.  Sutter replied that it did.

Sutter stated that feedback on the job description and qualifications would close on 21 September.

8.     Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 6:22 pm.


Respectfully Submitted by Janice M. Glime

Secretary of the University Senate