THE university SENATE OF


Minutes of Meeting 438

19 April 2006


The Senate

(1)   set the required meeting dates for the next academic year for 13 September 2006 and 17 January 2007.

(2)   elected Martha Sloan as President, Joanne Polzien as Vice President, and Janice Glime as Secretary.

(3)   approved Senate committee assignments for 2006-07.


President Sloan called the University Senate Meeting 438 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, 19 April 2006, in Room B45 EERC.

Secretary Glime called roll of the 2006-07 Senators.  Absent was the representative from the Enrollment Management group.  Liaisons in attendance were Becky Christianson (Staff Council) and Liz Van Heusden (USG).  Academic Services C, Auxiliaries , and Advancement currently have no elected representatives.


Guests included Kayla Stewart (Daily Mining Gazette), Pat Heiden (Chemistry), Cory Shorkey (K-Day Planning), Nicole Young (IFC K-Day Planning), and Jesse Manthei (IFC VP/K-Day Advisor).


President Sloan added item 6, Senate Committee Assignments, to the agenda. 

Helminen MOVED and Waddell seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion to approve as amended PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

4.     Setting of Meeting dates

Waddell MOVED and Boersma seconded the motion to approve the proposed Senate meeting dates of 13 September 2006 and 17 January 2007.  The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

5.     Election of Senate Officers

Vice President Becky Christianson presented the slate of nominees.

For President, Martha Sloan was the only nominee.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Waddell MOVED and Bruch seconded the motion to elect Martha Sloan for President by acclamation.  The motion PASSED on voice vote with no opposition.

For Vice President, Joanne Polzien was the only nominee.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Fynewever MOVED and Amato seconded the motion to elect Joanne Polzien for Vice President by acclamation.  The motion PASSED on voice vote with no opposition.

For Secretary, Janice Glime was the only nominee.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Polzien MOVED and Waddell seconded the motion to elect Janice Glime for Secretary by acclamation.  The motion PASSED on voice vote with no opposition.

6.     senate committee appointments

President Sloan introduced the proposed Senate committee assignments.

Clancey MOVED and Waddell seconded the motion to approve the committee appointments as presented (distributed by Senate Assistant). 

C. K. Shene asked to be added to the Research Policy Committee. 

The motion to approve the appointments with the addition of C. K. Shene to the Research Policy Committee PASSED on voice vote with no opposition.

7.     Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm.


Respectfully Submitted by Janice M. Glime

Secretary of the University Senate