The University Senate Of Michigan Technological University

Minutes of Meeting 340

18 October 2000

Synopsis: The Senate

(1) elected Pat Joyce to the University Inquiry Committee.

(2) elected eight members to the Vice President for Research Search Committee.

(3) approved Proposals 23-00, 1-01, and 2-01.

President Keen called University Senate Meeting 340 to order at 5:36 p.m. on Wednesday, 18 October 2000, in Room B45 EERC.

Secretary Pickens called roll. Absent were representatives from Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Education, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fine Arts, Humanities, Materials Science and Engineering, Mining and Materials Processing Engineering, School of Technology, Institute of Materials Processing, Finance and Advancement, and Student Affairs and Educational Opportunity. Liaisons in attendance were Josh Bennett (USG) and Ted Soldan (Staff Council).

Visitors included Kent Wray (Provost), Chung-Jui Tsai (School of Forestry and Wood Products), Shekkar Joshi (School of Forestry and Wood Products), Peck Cho (ME-EM), and Marcia Goodrich (Tech Topics).

President Keen presented the agenda. There were no objections to the agenda. [Appendix A. NOTE: Only official Senate and Library archival copies of the minutes will contain a full complement of appendices.]

Pennington MOVED and LaCourt seconded the motion to approve the minutes from meeting 336 as presented. Motion PASSED with no dissent.

Senator Snyder noted that, in the minutes from meeting 337 under item 2, Helene Hiner should be listed from the Office of the Vice Provost for Instruction. Snyder MOVED and Prince seconded the motion to approve the minutes from meeting 337 as corrected. Motion PASSED with no dissent.

Senator Beck noted that, in the minutes from meeting 338 on page 8571, second column, he did not ask a question (it was Senator Green). President Keen noted a misspelling on page 8571, third paragraph, and Senator Martin noted in the same sentence that administrative research policy should be administrative search policy. Ftaclas MOVED and Swaner seconded the motion to approve the minutes from meeting 338 as corrected. Motion PASSED with no dissent.

President Keen met with Provost Wray on September 29 and October 13.

The Strategic Planning Working Group met on September 29 and October 13.

Keen met with Jo Deaton, President, GSC, and Alesha Culp, President USG.

Keen met with Debbie Lassila on October 3 to discuss research faculty positions and the tenure, promotion, and reappointment policy.

The Benefit Liaison Group met on September 28, October 2, and October 9.

The Senate Executive Committee met on October 10. Topics of discussion included a by-laws change and Senate representation by the General Engineering Department. The Committee will continue to work on these issues.

President Keen met with President Tompkins on October 12.

The Fringe Benefits Cost Recovery Planning Committee met on October 13 and October 17.

President Tompkins appointed Bob Baillod (3-year term), Phil Beckwith (2-year term) and Carl Vilmann (1-year term) to the Athletic Council.

A. Board of Control Relations Committee

President Keen reported that the Board of Control approved the hiring of a search firm to assist with the Senior Vice President for Advancement and Marketing search.

The Board heard a report and approved in principle the Michigan Tech Enterprise Park.

Keen reported on Senate activities that will affect the Board.

The Board approved the position of Vice President for Research.

B. University Committee Elections
President Keen presented the slate of nominees for the Academic Tenure Committee: Sarah Green (Chemistry), Bogue Sandberg (Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Tom Snyder (Biological Sciences) and opened the floor for additional nominees. There were none. There were no objections to closing nominations. The slate was approved. Ballots will be sent to tenured and tenure-track faculty.

Keen presented the slate of nominees for the Sabbatical Leave Committee: Pat Joyce (School of Business and Economics), John Lowther (Computer Science), and Dennis Wiitanen (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and opened the floor for additional nominees. There were none. There were no objections to forwarding the slate to President Tompkins for selection.

Keen presented the slate of nominees for the University Inquiry Committee: Pat Joyce (School of Business and Economics), Warren Perger (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Bryan Suits (Physics) and opened the floor for additional nominees. There were none. Joyce was elected with 10 votes, followed by Suits with 9 and Perger with 8.

C. Election of Senate Representatives to the Vice President for Research Search Committee
President Keen presented the slate of nominees to represent the College of Engineering: David Hand (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Neil Hutzler (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Jim Hwang (Mining and Materials Processing Engineering), and Mike Roggemann (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and opened the floor for additional nominees. There were none. Hutzler (13 votes) and Roggemann (14 votes) were elected. Hand and Hwang each received 12 votes.

Keen presented the slate of nominees to represent the College of Sciences and Arts: Sue Bagley (Biological Sciences), Carol Berkenkotter (Humanities), Charlie Kerfoot (Biological Sciences), and Pat Martin (Social Sciences) and opened the floor for additional nominees. Senator Ftaclas agreed to be nominated. Bagley (12 votes) and Martin (13 votes) were elected. Berkenkotter received 10 votes, Kerfoot 8, and Ftaclas 7.

Keen presented the slate of nominees to represent outside of the colleges: Vincent Chiang (School of Forestry and Wood Products) and Allison Hein (Institute of Materials Processing) and opened the floor for additional nominees. There were none. Senator Snyder questioned whether Hein was a representative of the College of Engineering. Keen indicated that IMP has been included within the Department of Mining and Materials Processing Engineering. However, IMP is still included within the Senate as a separate unit. There was no objection to considering Hein as not being a representative of Engineering for the purposes of this vote. Chiang was elected with 21 votes, while Hein received 5.

Keen presented the slate of nominees to represent the academic department chairs: Al Baartmans (Mathematical Sciences), Bob Johnson (Humanities), and Kirk Schulz (Chemical Engineering) and opened the floor for additional nominees. Martin MOVED and Seidel seconded the motion to nominate Linda Ott (Computer Sciences). There were no objections. Ott was elected with 10 votes, while Schulz received 9 and Baartmans and Johnson each received 3.

Keen presented the slate of nominees for at-large representatives: David Hand, Jim Hwang, Carol Berkenkotter, Charlie Kerfoot, Christ Ftaclas, Allison Hein, Al Baartmans, Bob Johnson, and Kirk Schulz. Hwang (12 votes) and Hein (9 votes) were elected. Schulz and Kerfoot received 6 votes, Hand 5, Berkenkotter and Ftaclas 4, Baartmans 3, and Johnson 1.

A. Proposal 1-01, Summer Instructional Session [See minutes, page 8695, for a copy of this proposal.]

Senator Strong asked if there was flexibility to accommodate other schedules such as two-week, four hour per day schedules. Keen and Senator Martin clarified that there was significant room for flexibility based on the needs of specific groups of students.

Strong MOVED and Ouillette seconded the motion to approve Proposal 1-01.

The motion to approve PASSED with no dissent.

B. Proposal 23-00, Amendments to Proposal 13-95, Faculty Grievance Policy and Procedures [See minutes, page 8702, for a copy of this proposal.]
Pennington MOVED and Strong seconded the motion to approve Proposal 23-00.

Senator Vilmann noted that the person providing leadership for this committee would be required to provide massive amounts of time, and that the person serving in this role should be provided with some release time or other form of relief. President Keen noted that we do have several other committees that require significant effort. Vilmann reaffirmed his concern about the effort required and the potential problem of having the job done consistently well. Senator Reed noted that the committee developing the policy discussed the issue, and felt that the chair of this committee would be prepared to do the job after two years as a member of the committee.

There was no further discussion. The motion to approve PASSED with dissent.

C. Proposal 2-01, PhD Program in Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology [See minutes, page 8696, for a copy of this proposal.]
Snyder MOVED and Vilmann seconded the motion to approve Proposal 2-01.

Senator Beck asked if there were any new resources requested for this program. Senator Pickens responded that there were no new resources requested. He added that the new degree would primarily benefit the Ph.D. students of four faculty in the School of Forestry and Wood Products because it would more accurately define their field of study than the current Ph.D. in Forest Science.

There was no further discussion. The motion to approve PASSED with no dissent.

Senator Strong reminded President Keen that the Senate was to elect members to the Parking Task Force and the Faculty Distinguished Service Award Committee.

Keen noted that the Senate was to elect two members to the Parking Task Force; one must be a faculty member and one must be a staff member. Keen opened the floor for faculty nominees to the Parking Task Force. Senator Snyder nominated Senator Strong. Senator Pennington nominated Senator Vilmann. Strong was elected with 12 votes, while Vilmann received 9 votes. Keen opened the floor for staff nominees. Senator Strong nominated Senator Prince. There were no objections to closing nominations. Prince was elected by acclamation.

Keen opened the floor for nominees to the Faculty Distinguished Service Award Committee. Reed MOVED and Strong seconded the nomination of Senator Lewandowski. There were no objections to closing nominations. Lewandowski will serve the remainder of Senator Ftaclas' term.

Prince MOVED and Reed seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by James B. Pickens
Secretary of the University Senate