The University Senate Of Michigan Technological University

Minutes of Meeting 331

12 April 2000

Synopsis: The Senate

(1) Heard a report on the University budget process from Interim Provost Steve Bowen.

(2) Introduced Proposals 13-00, 14-00, and 15-00.

(3) Adopted Proposal 11-00.

President Seely called University Senate Meeting 331 to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 12 April 2000, in Room B45 EERC.

Secretary Reed called roll. Absent were At-Large Senator Barry Kunz and representatives from Computer Science, Education, Materials Science and Engineering, Mining Engineering, and Institute of Materials Processing. Liaisons in attendance were Anthony Moretti (USG) and Ted Soldan (Staff Council).

Visitors included Bonnie Gorman (Student Affairs), Steve Bowen (Interim Provost), Debbie Lassila (Budget Office), Mike Abbott (Budget Office), Geoffrey Roelant (USG), Josh Bennett (USG), Marcia Goodrich (Tech Topics), Dave Nelson (Biomedical Engineering) and Jonathan Fox (Army ROTC).

Prince MOVED and B. Reed seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion to approve PASSED on voice vote with no dissent. [Appendix A. NOTE: Only official Senate and Library archival copies of the minutes will contain a full complement of appendices.]

Ouellette MOVED and MacLennan seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 330 as presented. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Proposals 5-00, Changes to University Sabbatical Leave Policy; 8-00, Senate Resolution on Recruitment and Enrollment; and 9-00, Senate Resolution on the 2000-2001 Academic Year Budget were transmitted to the administration. [Appendices B-D]

President Tompkins responded to Proposal 9-00, Senate Resolution on the 2000-2001 Academic Year Budget. [Appendix E]

USG has elected new officers for Academic Year 2000-2001 (Alesha Culp, President; Anthony Moretti, Vice President; Ryan Rizor, Treasurer; and Karyn Dibb, Secretary).

USG has sent a proposal to Vice Provost and Dean Janners allowing for the use of mid-semester grades as criteria for eligibility in pledging Greek organizations.

Seely reminded Senators that nominees are needed for the at-large seats. He also asked that Senators begin to identify candidates for the Senate President and Secretary positions.

University Budget Process [Appendix F]

Interim Provost Bowen provided an update on the University budget and budget planning process. Beginning with the premise that this year was difficult from a budgeting standpoint for many reasons, he noted that a final draft of the planned budget for next year is due to the Board of Control Budget Committee by May 2.

In developing the 2000-01 budget, the administration set a priority of sustaining initiatives already underway. A main goal was to address deficits and get the budget on a firm foundation to implement the strategic plan, with the idea of using strategic/opportunistic allocations/reallocations to meet these goals. The idea is to begin planning three years at a time.

There are two budget scenarios being examined: option 1 with a 7.4% increase in base allocation from the state and 3% in additional one-time funds; and option 2 with a 5.8% increase with 2% in additional one-time funds. Option 1 results in about a $300,000 shortfall in covering new expenditures while option 2 results in about a $1.7 million shortfall.

There will be input from the Budget Liaison group when discussing spending reductions. The 2001-02 budget process will focus on implementing the strategic plan. There will be annual updates to the plan, possible reallocation or reductions in some areas, and planning will be in 3-year 'units'.

A. Proposal 13-00, Supplemental TIAA-CREF Contribution for Eligible Employees to Assist with Post-Retirement Health Insurance Costs [Appendix G]

B. Proposal 14-00, BS Degree Program in Biomedical Engineering [Appendix H]

C. Proposal 15-00, Health Care Premium Cap for Medicare-Eligible Retirees [Appendix I]

The proposals were introduced as new business.

A. Proposal 7-00, Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Procedures [See minutes, page 8379, for a copy of this proposal.]

Seely introduced proposed amendments to the proposal from the Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment.

Page 10

Both the personnel committee's review and the department chair's (dean's) appraisal (where applicable) are to be transmitted unchanged to the corresponding College Promotion and Tenure Committee or to the Inter-school Promotion and Tenure Committee.

Page 15

6.3 Disclosure of Route of Appeal
Each year the committee on Academic Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment shall report to the academic faculty:

i. the membership of the committee;

ii. the mechanism for submitting appeals.

This information is to be reported to the academic faculty no later than March 1 of each academic year.

Item 7, second paragraph, second sentence.

Adoption of any revision shall require approval by the University Senate, and an approving vote approval by a majority of the tenured and tenure-track faculty voting in a university-wide referendum, such vote to be conducted by the University Senate, and approval by the Provost and the President.

MacLennan MOVED and Williams seconded the motion to approve the amendments. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Snyder MOVED and Blanning seconded the motion to amend item 1.iii. on page two. The chair/dean may not serve on the personnel committee. ex officio, but may not have a vote on the committee. The motion PASSED on voice vote with dissent.

Seely asked Senators to raise concerns this evening so that the Senate is aware because debate will not be finished this evening.

Senators Snyder and Barna identified several sections they are concerned with. (1.vii., evaluations;, written comments; 5.1., appeals; and procedures for hiring personnel with tenure)

C. Proposal 11-00, Revision of Proposal 24-99, Amendments to Academic Policies (Mid-Semester Grades and Drop Policy) [Appendix J]
Senator Drummer introduced the proposal.

B. Reed MOVED and MacLennan seconded the motion to approve Proposal 11-00. Discussion focused on the definition of 'mid-term' and the length of the drop period.

The Senate agreed to vote on the proposal in two parts.

The motion to approve the section on mid-semester grades PASSED on voice vote with dissent.

The motion to approve the section on course drops PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Hodek MOVED and Ouellette seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by David D. Reed
Secretary of the University Senate