The University Senate Of Michigan Technological University

Minutes of Meeting 322
10 November 1999

Synopsis: The Senate

(1) Preauthorized the charge to the Ad Hoc Committee on Distance Education Policy.

(2) approved Proposal 3-00, Revision of Senate Bylaws.

(3) approved Proposal 4-00, Policy on Half-Semester Courses.

President Seely called University Senate Meeting 322 to order at 5:32 p.m. on Wednesday, 10 November 1999, in Room B45 EERC.

Secretary Reed called roll. Absent were At-large Senators Tom Drummer and Barry Kunz, representatives from Chemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Education, School of Forestry and Wood Products, Institute of Wood Research, ME-EM, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Institute of Materials Processing, and Academic Services-Engineering. Liaisons in attendance were Anthony Moretti (USG) and Ted Soldan (Staff Council).

Guests included Pauline Moore (Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Distance Education Policy) and Marcia Goodrich (Tech Topics).

Lutzke MOVED and Blanning seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion to approve PASSED on voice vote with no dissent. [Appendix A. NOTE: Only official Senate and Library archival copies of the minutes will contain a full complement of appendices.]

Ouellette MOVED and Pegg seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 319. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Snyder MOVED and Long seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 320. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Nordberg MOVED and Blanning seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 321. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

President Seely reported that Proposals 1-99, 2-99, 3-99, and 4-99 were transmitted to the administration for approval. The cover letter indicated the Senate's desire to have an ad hoc committee to begin the process of reviewing priorities and steps to be taken during a financial crisis. [Appendix B]

The administration has not acted on Proposal 14-99, Proposal to Institute Double Majors. Provost Dobney has asked for confirmation on whether double majors pose any problems for accreditation.

Seely met with the Faculty Distinguished Service Award Committee on November 2. They are preparing procedures for the Senate to approve.

John Sellars and Gail Mroz are scheduled to address the Senate on December 1 regarding Advancement issues.

John Sellars and Gary Neumann are scheduled to address the Senate on December 15 regarding Enrollment Management issues.

Seely has a copy of the financial analysis from Auxiliary Enterprises used to determine the break-even and payoff point for the snow making investment for the ski hill. Copies of the analysis may be obtained from the Senate Office.

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs search ads will appear in various journals next week.

The Senate has received a communication from Vice President for Finance and Administration McGarry indicating that Proposal 9-99 will be partially funded. It will provide additional TIAA/CREF funds for individuals earning less than $50,000 at the time of the study. A number of issues need to be worked out. [Appendix C]

Seely noted the cost identified to cover the medical benefit was substantially higher than last year on TechSelect forms. This does not impact current employees directly, although it affects the assumptions -- and thus the savings -- of individuals planning for retirement.

Senator Davis led a discussion of the premium assessed to retirees and others paying for insurance coverage through MTU; this premium is identified on everyone's TechSelect forms each year. MTU's health care costs have increased an average of 6% annually since 1996, but increases in the premium (the COBRA number) have not increased by that much. There was no increase in the COBRA number from 1996-1998, then it was increased by 12% in 1999. The calculations in Proposal 9-99 assumed a 3% annual increase in the premium, not the 6% that would reflect the historical increase in MTU's health care costs. The administration, after discussion with the Senate Officers and the Finance Committee Chair, has decided not to increase the COBRA rate to the appropriate level all at once, but will probably spread this out over at least two years. Ellen Horsch and Ingrid Cheney will visit the Senate December 1 to discuss this; the Senate Fringe Benefits Committee will also review.

Ellen Horsch intends to assemble an ad hoc committee that will include individuals from various groups across campus to review medical benefits.

Senator Barna noted that adjustments made in response to 9-99 will not completely cover employee's costs if premiums increase at greater than 3%, and that there are indications in the Provost's statements to the Board of Control that the true costs were known all along to the administration.

The Board of Control will meet on Friday, November 19. The Senate Officers will meet with Jim Mitchell, Chair, on Thursday, November 18.

Ad Hoc Committee on Distance Education Policy
Seely presented the charge that was given to the committee last year and asked for renewed authorization for the committee to proceed with new membership. (Pauline Moore, Chair, Marti Banks, Tim Collins, Patty Lins, Richard Selfe, Mark Plichta, and Bill Kennedy) There were no objections for the committee to proceed. Senator Pegg noted the need for this committee to address the intellectual property issues involved in distance education.

A. Proposal 3-00, Revision of Senate Bylaws [See minutes, page 8208, for a copy of this proposal.]

Lutzke MOVED and Davis seconded the motion to approve Proposal 3-00.

There was no discussion. The motion to approve PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

B. Proposal 4-00, Policy on Half-Semester Courses [See minutes, page 8210, for a copy of this proposal.]
Davis MOVED and B. Reed seconded the motion to approve Proposal 4-00.

Senator Snyder reviewed the history of the proposal. Several units had proposed 2 credit semester courses to be taught for one-half of a semester. There was no provision for this in the current procedures. The Vice Provost for Instruction addressed the issue and the Curricular Policy Committee reviewed his recommendations, modified them to address their own concerns, and incorporated them in Proposal 4-00.

Senator Carr asked for a clarification on rule 2; Snyder responded that a student may take no more than one unpaired half semester course in a 4 semester period, but the same student may take any number of paired half semester courses.

Senator Ftaclas question the number of anticipated half semester courses. Snyder responded that there are 6 proposed in the material science area; others may arise after a policy is in place, but he does not believe it will be a large number.

Senator Sloan asked if half semester courses could be taught at other than the senior level. Snyder responded that this is not precluded; non-senior level half semester courses would fall under purpose 2.

Senator Sloan also noted a concern that 4-00 takes course approval out of the department's control, and gives it to the Vice Provost for Instruction. Soldan noted that it would be prudent to err on the side of review for a period of time. Snyder noted that the rules are designed to protect the students, and that the proposal requires Senate action to continue after three years.

Senator Ouellette asked about the mechanism for review. Snyder responded that the Vice Provost for Instruction must set the specific procedures, but that it is likely that the review will occur in the term following the offering of a course.

Senator B. Reed noted that schedules must now be made up two years in advance and Davis suggested that the initial authorization might be for two years, and annually afterward. President Seely noted that these concerns will be expressed to the Vice Provost for Instruction, and that the Senate will request to see and review the procedures prior to implementation.

Senator Ftaclas asked about other fractional semester courses (one-third?, one-quarter?). These are not covered by Proposal 4-00.

The motion to approve Proposal 4-00 PASSED on voice vote.

Davis MOVED and Ouellette seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by David D. Reed
Secretary of the University Senate