The University Senate Of Michigan Technological University

Minutes of Meeting 317
15 September 1999

Synopsis: The Senate

(1) passed Proposal 1-00, Senate Resolution on the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee.

(2) introduced Proposals 1-99, Policy and Procedures for a Financial Crisis, 2-99, Policy and Procedures for Periods of Financial Stress, 3-99, Board of Control Policy for a Financial Crisis, and 4-99, Board of Control Policy for a Period of Financial Stress.

(3) elected Faith Morrison to the Academic Integrity Committee.

(4) approved the appointment of Amy Hietapelto, Ed Frayer, and David Sprague to the Presidential Commission for Diversity.

(5) elected Walt Milligan to the Computer Executive Committee.

President Seely called University Senate Meeting 317 to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 15 September 1999, in Room B45 EERC.

Secretary Reed called roll. Absent were At-large Senators Beth Reed and Pete Tampas and representatives from Education, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering, Library, and Institute of Materials Processing. Liaisons in attendance were Ted Soldan (Staff Council) and Anthony Moretti (USG).

Guests included Marcia Goodrich (Tech Topics), and George Dewey (Civil and Environmental Engineering).

Prince MOVED and Blanning seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion to approve PASSED on voice vote with no dissent. [Appendix A. NOTE: Only official Senate and Library archival copies of the minutes will contain a full complement of appendices.]

Long MOVED and Snyder seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 314. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Snyder MOVED and Williams seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 315. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Young MOVED and Drummer seconded the motion to approve the minutes of meeting 316. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Senator Snyder reviewed the makeup of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee and provided background on the policy that governs the selection of the search committee. The committee was not constituted according to the policy, Senate Proposal 12-95, Search Procedures for Deans and University Administrators approved by President Tompkins.

Senator Snyder recounted the specifications for search committee makeup in Senate Proposal 12-95 and pointed out the differences between the policy and the way the Provost's Search Committee was constituted. The differences concentrate on the President's appointment of seven representatives on the Provost Search Committee instead of two presidential representatives identified in the policy. Snyder offered a resolution (1-00) requesting the Senate representatives on the Provost Search Committee to stand down until the issue could be resolved with the President.

President Seely recounted his discussion with the President. President Tompkins felt that more appointments were needed after he received the list of the Senate's selections. In particular, Student Affairs and department chairs did not have representation. The final result was that the President felt that the spirit but not the letter of 12-95 was followed in constituting the committee.

Senator MacLennan requested a report from the first committee meeting. Senator Chavis reported that there were no appearances that the President was attempting to control the committee with the extra appointments, and that the Search Committee as a whole was not concerned with the appointments, though some individual members of the committee were greatly concerned.

Senator Barna requested a clarification of the actual number of excess appointments. Senator Snyder replied that three could potentially be rationalized, leaving an excess of four presidential appointments.

Senator Williams pointed out the strained relationship between the Senate and the President, and noted that there was a serious risk of further deterioration of this relationship if the resolution was approved.

Snyder responded that if any policy can be arbitrarily changed by the President, the whole concept of shared governance was in question.

Senator Ftaclas pointed out the need to work with the President, and was there another way besides the resolution?

Senator Lutzke noted that timing was an issue, and that while the Senate wants to work with the President, is there a way to resolve this?

Vilmann MOVED and Jurgensen seconded the motion to approve the resolution (Senate Proposal 1-00).

President Curtis J. Tompkins has appointed seven members to the search committee for Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. These appointments are in direct violation of University Policy, Senate Proposal 12-95, Search Procedures for Deans and University Administrators, which provides for two presidential appointees. We hereby request that the members of the search committee elected by the University Senate stand down (from service) until such time as President Tompkins complies with University Policy by reducing his appointees from seven to two. We note that Senate Proposal 12-95 was approved under the Senate Constitution and approved by the President and is, by Board of Control policy, official University Policy.

Barna MOVED and Sloan seconded the motion to amend the last sentence to read "We note that Senate Proposal 12-95 was approved under the Senate Constitution and approved by the President and is, thus, under Board of Control rules, official University Policy." The motion to amend PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Vilmann MOVED and Archer seconded the motion to amend the third sentence to read "seven to two, or Senate Proposal 12-95 has been revised." The motion to amend PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Pegg MOVED and Kunz seconded the motion to accept Proposal 1-00 as an emergency proposal. The motion PASSED on secret ballot with 28 yes and 3 no votes.

The motion to approve Proposal 1-00 PASSED on secret ballot with 22 yes votes and 10 no votes.

President Seely reported that Proposal 24-99, Amendments to Academic Policies, has been sent to the Administration. Proposal 16-97, Minors in Degree Programs has been approved by the President. Proposals 13-99, Amendment to Grading System Policy, 18-99, Amendment to Academic Distinction Policy, and 24-99, Amendments to Academic policies were approved by the Board of Control. Proposals 19-99, Extension of Insurance Benefits to All Employees, and 23-99, Implementation of the Co-pay increase for Retiree Health Benefits were rejected by the Administration. Proposal 21-99, Policy on Religious Observance, has been approved by the President. The proposal requires Senate representation on the committee to develop procedures. [Appendices B-I]

Seely presented the proposed Senate meeting dates for 1999-00. [Appendix J] Vilmann MOVED and Davis seconded the motion to approve the calendar as presented. The motion PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

The four proposals were introduced as new business. [Appendices K-N]
A. Proposal 1-99, Policy and Procedures for a Financial Crisis

B. Proposal 2-99, Policy and Procedures for Periods of Financial Stress

C. Proposal 3-99, Board of Control Policy for a Financial Crisis

D. Proposal 4-99, Board of Control Policy for a Period of Financial Stress

B. University Elections
Seely presented the nominees for the Academic Integrity Committee: Barbara Bertram (Mathematical Sciences), Larry Lankton (Social Sciences), Faith Morrison (Chemical Engineering), and Bruce Pletka (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering). Current members and their term expiration dates are Fred Williams (Chemistry), August 1999; Anil Jambekar (Business and Economics), August 2000; Ghatu Subash (ME-EM), August 2001.

Ftaclas MOVED and Williams seconded the motion to accept the slate of nominees. The motion to accept PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Morrison was elected with 12 votes, followed by Bertram and Pletka with 7 and Lankton with 4.

Davis MOVED and Lutzke seconded the motion to approve the appointment of Amy Hietapelto (Business and Economics), Ed Frayer (Forestry and Wood Products), and David Sprague (Technology) to the Presidential Commission for Diversity. The motion to appoint PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Seely presented the nominees for the Computer Executive Committee: Jim Frendewey (Business and Economics), Walt Milligan (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), and Phil Sweany (Computer Science).

Prince MOVED and Vilmann seconded the motion to accept the slate of nominees. The motion to accept PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Milligan was elected with 15 votes, followed by Sweany with 10 and Frendewey with 6.

The General Education Committee will be replaced by the General Education Council with the conversion to semesters. The present committee needs nominees from which the President will select two. Nominees include Mike Irish (Fine Arts), Jack Jobst (Humanities), and Kurt Paterson (Civil and Environmental Engineering).

Snyder MOVED and Lutzke seconded the motion to accept the slate of nominees. The motion to approve the slate PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Seely announced the slate of nominees for the Faculty Review Committee (Grievance): Carol Berkenkotter (Humanities), Wilbur Campbell (Biological Sciences), Henry Santeford (Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Jerry Taylor (Technology). The member is selected by a faculty vote.

Davis MOVED and Blanning seconded the motion to accept the slate of nominees. The motion to accept PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

The Academic Tenure Committee requires one member to be elected by the faculty. Nominees include Len Bohmann (Electrical Engineering), Tom Courtney (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), and Jim Pickens (Forestry and Wood Products). Seely stated that revisions to the Tenure and Promotion policy will be reviewed by this committee.

Williams MOVED and Ouellette seconded the motion to accept the slate of nominees. The motion to accept PASSED on voice vote with no dissent.

Hodek MOVED and Ouellette seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by David D. Reed
Secretary of the University Senate