UNIVERSITY               The Senate of Michigan Technological University
TO:     Senators, Alternates, Senate Liaisons         DATE: May 9, 1997

FROM:   Jeanne Meyers
        Senate Assistant

RE:     Agenda for Senate Meeting 278

COPIES: President, Provost, Board of Control Office, Senior Vice President,
        Vice Provost, Chief Financial Officer, Library Reserve,
        Staff Council Members, Tech Topics, MTU Lode, MTU Daily Bull

Meeting 278 of the Senate of Michigan Technological University will
convene immediately after the adjournment of Meeting 277 on Wednesday,
May 14, 1997, at 7:35 p.m. in room B45 EERC.  The meeting will be
broadcast live on MTU's cable channel 24, then rebroadcast via videotape
at noon the following day.

Senators and Alternates will receive this agenda; only Senators will
receive minutes; therefore, Alternates expecting to attend the meeting
should obtain minutes from their unit's Senator.  Senators are respon-
sible for making their constituents aware of this meeting's agenda. Bring
this agenda and attachments to the meeting.
                                                             Time (min.)
 1. Call to order and roll call of Senators                        2
 2. Recognition of visitors                                        1
 3. Approval of agenda                                             2
 4. Approval of minutes from meetings 275 and 276                 10

 5. Old Business
    A. Proposal 5-97: Certificate in Industrial Forestry          10
          [Please bring your copy from meeting 275.]
    B. Proposal 17-97: Earth Science Education Option in
        the B.S. in Geology Degree                                10
          [Please bring your copy from meeting 275.]
    C. Proposal 18-97: Amendment of Teaching Evaluation Policy    30
          [Please bring your copy from meeting 275.]

 6. Report from Senate President                                  10
 7. Committee Business/Reports
    A. Instructional Policy Committee - Bob Keen                  10
    B. Research Policy Committee -  Dave Reed                     15
 8. Old Business       
     Proposal 16-97: Minor Degrees                                20
          [Please bring your copy from meeting 274.]
 9. Adjournment
