University                                             University Senate
To:        Senators, Alternates, Senate Liaisons          Date: 1 Sept 94

From:      Jack Jobst,
           Secretary of the Senate
Subject:   Agenda for Senate Meeting Number 218

Copies to: President, Provost, BoC Office, Vice Provost, Chief
            Financial Officer, Archives, ETS, Tech Topics, MTU Lode

Meeting number 218
of the University Senate will convene at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September
7, 1994 in room B37 EERC.  The meeting will be broadcast live on MTU's cable
channel (Bresnan channel 8), then rebroadcast via videotape at noon the
following day.

   Only University Senators will receive this agenda and attachments;
Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of this
meeting's agenda.

   Alternates expecting to attend the meeting should obtain minutes from
their unit's Senator.

Bring this agenda and attachments to the meeting.

                                                              Time (min.)
1.  Call to order and roll call of Senators [attachment]        2
2.  Recognition of visitors                                     1
3.  Agenda adjustments                                          2
4.  Approval of Minutes from earlier meetings: 
       215, 216, 217 [attachments]                              5
5.  Report from Senate President                               15
6.  Committee Business/Reports
    a.  Board of Control Relations Committee                    5
    b.  Campus Space Committee                                  5
    c.  Ad Hoc University Closure Committee                     5
    d.  Establishing Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching              10
    e.  University Committee Membership                        15
        (1) Sabbatical Leave
        (2) Athletic Council
        (3) General Education
        (4) Retention Study Task Force
        (5) Graduate Council
    f.  Proposed 1994-95 AY Senate Committee Membership
               [handout]                                       20
7.  Old Business
    Proposal 27-94: Mid-Term Grade Report Policy
         [handout]                                             20
8.  New Business
      Proposed Meeting Dates [attachment]                       5
9.  Adjournment