TO: Members, Alternates, and Liaisons
FROM: Judi Smigowski, Senate Assistant
DATE: October 3, 2007
SUBJECT: Agenda for University Senate Meeting 454
COPIES: President, Provost, Board of Control Office, Vice Presidents,Library Reserve, Staff Council 
Chair, Tech Today, MTU Lode, MTU Daily Bull
Meeting  #454  of the University Senate of Michigan Technological University will 
convene on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 in Room B45 of the EERC Building 
Senators and Alternates will receive this agenda but please note that only Senators will receive
minutes: therefore, Alternates expecting to attend the meeting should obtain minutes from their 
unit's Senator or on the web at   
Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of this meeting's agenda.  If neither 
Senator nor Alternate can attend they should send a substitute.
AGENDA Time (min)
1) Roll Call of Senators 2
2) Recognition of Visitors 1
3) Approval of Agenda 1
4) Approval of Minutes from Meeting 453 (attached) 1
5) President's Report 5
6) Old Business:  
a.  University Standing Committee Elections 10
7) New Business:
a. Proposal 2-08 "Certificate in Global Technological Leadership"  (attached) 15
8) Adjournment