The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

Meeting 385 of the University Senate of Michigan Technological University will convene on Wednesday, April 23, at 5:30 p.m. in Room B45 of the EERC Building.

  1. Roll call of Senators
  2. Recognition of visitors
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. President's report
  5. Committee reports
    1. Executive Committee
  6. Unfinished business
    1. Proposal 12-03, Teaching Effectiveness
    2. Proposal 13-03, BS Program in Software Engineering
    3. Proposal 14-03, Transfer Credit Evaluation - Undergraduate
  7. New business
    1. Proposal 17-03, Amendment to Proposal 16-97, Minors in Degree Programs
    2. Proposal 18-03, Amendment to Proposal 10-00, Approval of Minors in Degree Programs
  8. Adjournment