THE university SENATE OF


Minutes of Meeting 183

 17 April 1991


President Julien called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. on April 17, 1991 in rooms B2 and B3 of the Memorial Union Ballroom.

1.     ROLL CALL

Twenty five members or alternates were present. Absent were Richard May, Alan Niemi, Madhukar Vable, Cheryl DePuydt, Josiah Heyman, Dale F. Stein, and William J. Powers.


Barbara Filer

3.     approval of minutes

Minutes of Meeting No. 182 were approved as revised.


The spelling of Cheryl DePuydt's name will be corrected on the Roll call listing.


On page 3185 under "New Business, the spelling of the words amend and amendment must be revised in each of the four locations where it appears.


On page 3186 the spelling of the words amend and amendment stand corrected.


4.     president's report


President Julien asked Barbara Filer to address the Senate concerning the formation of a staff advisory council. Ms. Filer stated that a Staff Advisory Council was being formed and that this council may wish to have input into the evaluation of the university administration. Discussion ensued on which university employees were represented by the Senate and which were represented by the Staff Advisory Council. Finally, it was decided that a copy of the questionnaire prepared by the Senate's University Administration Evaluation Committee would be supplied to the Staff Advisory Council, and they could do with it as they wish.


The Senate was then informed by President Julien that three more candidates for President were to visit campus. Each visit would consist of a panel forum the first day followed by a Senate discussion period the second day. Department heads should be contacted about the specific announcements of days and times. The Senate was reminded that each Senator should contact the Board of Control to express his or her opinion on each candidate.


President Julien had tentatively arranged an open forum with Vice Presidents Stucky and Powers for 4 p.m. April 30. After he was informed that this time had already been scheduled for a meeting with Max Seel, a candidate for Dean of the College of Sciences and Arts, it was decided to postpone this meeting with Stucky and Powers to the fall.


The Senate was informed that an ad hoc committee of faculty had been chosen by Vice President Powers and Senate President Julien to review the Lewiston report. This committee would consist of Vern Watwood, Jon Soper, Jim Gale, Cindy Selfe, Bill Shapton, Willie Melton, Tim Collins, Bruce Seely, Rolf Peterson, Larry Julien, and Bill Powers. This committee will review the Lewiston report and present its findings to the Board of Control.


5. Vice President's report

Vice President Tampas provided a written report on the March 20 and April 10 meetings of the Academic Council (Appendix A) and the March 22 meeting of the Board of Control (Appendix B).

6.     committee reports


A. Budget Liaison Officer - No Report


B. Curricular Policy - No Report


C. Elections


The Senate conducted elections to fill vacancies on the Athletic Council, General Education Committee, and the Sabbatical Leave Committee. The following names were submitted to the President for possible appointment.

Athletic Council

Larry Lankton

Phyllis Boutilier

Susan Bagley


General Education Committee

Bradley Baltensperger

Christa Walck

James Gale


Sabbatical Leave Committee

Alan Brokaw

Robert Filer

Anant Godbole


D. Faculty Handbook - No Report


E. Fringe Benefits - No Report


F. Institutional Evaluation

Davis Hubbard presented a report on the current activity on the development of a proposal on teaching loads and release time (Appendix C). He also asked the Senate to consider whether it wished to continue development of a proposal in this area.


G. Instructional Policy - No Report

7. reports from affiliated and/or ad hoc committees


A. University Academic Calendar Committee - No Report


B. University Planning Committee - No Report


C. University Computer Executive Committee - No Report


D. University Administration Evaluation Commission


Narasipur Suryanarayana reported that the commission is currently waiting for a response from letters sent to the President and Vice President. In addition, a questionnaire has been sent to the faculty and the commission is considering how to process this questionnaire once it is returned.

8. old business


There was no old business


9. new business


Proposal 10-90 (Appendix D) was tabled on a voice vote


Vice President Tampas asked that persons willing to serve as an Officer of the Senate for next year make themselves known.


A motion to adjourn was made by Dave Poplawski and seconded by Phyllis Boutilier. This motion passed by voice vote.


The meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Carl Vilmann

Acting Secretary