OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

9 October 1990

(Senate Minute page: 3157-A1)


Without objections, briefs of extraordinary (not regularly scheduled) Senate meetings will be distributed in place of the normal minutes to save time, paper and printing costs.

  1. A motion to accept the Briefs for extraordinary Senate meetings was adopted on a voice vote. The Brief for Senate meeting 177 was accepted without corrections.

  2. A memo was sent to all academic deans, department heads, department chairs, to directors of the three major research institutes, and to deans or directors of academic services units requesting nominations for the University Administration Evaluation Commission in compliance with qualifications set forth on page 5 of Proposal 2-89. Senators were reminded to ensure that nominations are submitted to Peter Tampas, School of Technology by October 12. Peter will distribute the nominations to all Senators and alternates prior to Senate meeting 179 on October 24.

  3. Four Academic Council Committee nominees were selected for submission to the Board of Control; one each from the Colleges of Engineering and Science and Arts, and two at large. Balloting proceeded on a roll call vote. Nominees were selected first for the two colleges followed by the selection of at large nominations. Below is the list of candidates (Available by Request from the Senate Office). The voting record for each senator or alternate is recorded on the next page. Numbers in the voting record refer to numbers adjacent to the candidate's name.