OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

3 October 1990

(Senate Minute page: 3157)


Without objections, briefs of extraordinary (not regularly scheduled) Senate meetings will be distributed in place of the normal minutes to save time, paper and printing costs.

  1. Item 3 of the brief for Senate meeting 176 was corrected to read "The Senate must has been asked to submit 12 names to the Board of Control which will select 4 to serve on the President Search Committee . . .

  2. The Senate adopted the motion to submit 4 names rather than 12 to the Board of Control for the Academic Community Committee for the President search. Additional names were added to the list of nominees since some departments were unable to submit nominees in time for circulation to the various academic and research units last week. Also, deans and department heads were removed from the list of nominees because of the Board of Control appointment of 2 administrators to fill out the 6 member Committee.

  3. The selection process will consist of:
    1. circulating the revised list of nominees to all Senators so they may poll their constituents.
    2. the Senators will vote to select the 4 candidates at an extraordinary Senate meeting on October 9.
    3. the voting process will select 1 candidate by majority vote from the College of Engineering, 1 candidate by majority vote from the College of Sciences and Arts, and 2 other candidates from the list of nominees to act as at-large members of the Academic Community Committee.

  4. The Senate Secretary was directed to request from each department, school, research institute and academic service unit a nominee for selection by the Senate to serve on the University Administration Evaluation Commission in accordance with Proposal 2-89 page 5. Nominees are to be submitted to Peter Tampas, or the School of Technology office in the case of his absence, by October 12. The list of nominees will be distributed to each senator as in the process for the selection of members for the Academic Community Committee of the President Search Committee. The Senate intends to start implementation of Proposal by selecting the Commission at the October 24 regular Senate meeting.