OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

27 November 1989

(Senate Minute pages: 2970-2999)

President Adler called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. on November 27, 1989 in room 105A and B of the Memorial Union Building.

Roll: Twenty four members/alternates were present. Absent were Peter Laks, S. Paul Sundeen, Jonathan Henkel, William Rowe, Terry Shipley, and Charles Young. Continuing member President Stein was absent.

Visitors: Fred Erbisch, James Jakovitch, Kevin Palmer, Duane Stucky, and Vernon Watwood.

Minutes of Meeting No. 170 were accepted as submitted.

President's Report

President Adler welcomed Provost Powers as a continuing member of the Senate.

The Vice President for Student Services is appointing an Advisory Committee on Minority Affairs. The Senate Budget Liaison Officer position, currently filled by Terry Monson, will come open in February. Any Senators who are interested in filling that position should notify President Adler.

The remainder of the President's report was presented by Dr. Erbisch, Director of the Intellectual Properties Office, who discussed proposed changes to the proprietary rights policy (Appendix A - Available by Request from the Senate Office)

Vice President's Report

Vice President Tampas submitted reports of the November 16, 1989 Academic Council meeting (Appendix B - Available by Request from the Senate Office), and the Board of Control meeting of November 17, 1989 (Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

The two main topics at the Academic Council meeting of November 23, 1989 were: 1) Dr. Erbisch's presentation of a report similar to that contained in Appendix A; and 2) a preliminary report by the Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Staff Promotion Policies. The Committee identified several shortcomings of the current promotion policies and made some preliminary recommendations for improvement. A final report by the Committee will be submitted in January 1990.

Invited Report by the Vice President of Operations and Finance Concerning Salaries and Wages

Vice President Stucky presented a lengthy report outlining the current budget, master planning issues, historical trends in expenditures, and trends in salaries and wages (Appendix D - Available by Request from the Senate Office)

Reports from Standing Committees

A. Budget Liaison Officer

Senator Monson provided a report on the 1990-91 operating budget request (Appendix E - Available by Request from the Senate Office). Some of the report duplicates Vice President Stucky's report, but average compensation adjustments (percentages) were calculated using different assumptions.

B. Curricular Policy - No report.

C. Elections

Vice President Tampas also announced the vacancy on the University Sabbatical Leave Committee and the procedure for filling that position (Appendix F - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

D. Faculty Handbook - No report.

E. Faculty Fringe Benefits

Senator DePuydt reported that the Committee has established the following goals for 1990: a proposal for an educational assistance program, a cafeteria style benefits package for employees, a wellness program including SDC usage, and other concerns brought forward by faculty members.

A proposal for employee education assistance was submitted and will be distributed to faculty as Proposal 1-89 with the agenda for Senate meeting 172.

F. Institutional Evaluation

Dr. Luehrs submitted a report for Senator Hubbard (Appendix G - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

G. Instructional Policy

Senator Suryanarayana provided an evaluation of the Center for Teaching Excellence and recommendations for the Center's improvement (Appendix H - Available by Request from the Senate Office). A motion was passed for "the Senate to accept this report as written and forward it the Provost and President" for action.


Reports from University Committees

A. University Planning Committee - No report.

B. University Committee on Campus-Wide Computer Strategy

Professor Watwood reported that since the Committee submitted its final report in August 1989, some of the recommendations are being implemented.

President Stein has formed the University Computer Executive Committee and the University Computer Advisory Committee as recommended. The Computer Executive Committee is composed of the Vice President of Operations and Finance, the Vice President of Student Services, the Provost, three members of the Computer Advisory Committee, and will have some representation of the University Deans. One of the responsibilities the Committee is to assure that the strategic direction of computing supports the direction of the University.

The Computer Advisory Committee has approximately 37 members and two co-chairs (Appendix I - Available by Request from the Senate Office). This committee is to serve as a forum for faculty and staff on computing needs and plans, and to make recommendations to the Computer Executive Committee.

Other recommendations which have been implemented are 1) Computer Services have been placed under the direction of one Vice President (Vice President Stucky), 2) student lab fees are returned to departments in the term collected, 3) student lab and special fees are published in class schedules, and 4) a task force to study administrative computing problems has been formed.

The Senate thanks the University Committee on Campus-Wide Computer Strategy for a job well done.

C. Quality of University Life Task Force

Dean Janners is now the Chair of the Task Force and is undergoing orientation. There will be a report in a future Senate meeting.

D. Teaching Award Procedure Committee

Senator Boutilier reported that the procedure for selecting four recipients of Distinguished Teaching Awards is well underway and that early returns of nominations are not phenomenal.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

A task force was initiated to seriously examine the academic calendar. Senator Martin will act as chair.

President Adler adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Gary Lyon, Secretary