OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

6 September 1989

(Senate Minute pages: 2946-2959)

President Shapton called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. on September 6, 1989 in the Ballroom of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty seven members/alternates were present. Absent was Martha Janners. Unrepresented departments were Institute of Wood Research and Army ROTC.

Visitors: Robert Jones, Ruth Cramer, Joseph Comprone and several Humanities faculty.

Minutes of Meeting No. 168 were accepted as presented.

President's Report

President Shapton provided a report (Appendix A - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Vice President's Report

Vice President Tampas submitted reports on the Academic Council meetings of May 17 and September 12, and the Board of Control meeting of May 19, 1989 (Appendix B - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Reports from Standing Committees

A. Elections

Senator Tampas reported that the Elections Committee had nominated John Adler for Senate President, and Peter Tampas and Bryan Suits for Senate Vice President. No candidate for Secretary had been nominated. Nominations from the floor were opened for each position. No additional candidates were nominated for President or Vice President. Gary Lyon was nominated for Secretary. Ballots were distributed and tallied. Elected officers were : John Adler, President; Peter Tampas, Vice President; and Gary Lyon, Secretary. The ballots were then destroyed.

B. Curricular Policy

The Committee had no report, however, William Sewell noted that since he was no longer a senator it would be appropriate for him to be replaced as Chair of the Committee, and new members for the Committee should be appointed. He also said the Committee has been considering Proposal 1-90 and recommended its passage.

C. Instructional Policy - No report.

D. Institutional Evaluation - No report.

E. Budget Liaison Officer - No report.

F. Faculty Fringe Benefits - No report.

G. Faculty Handbook

Senator Hambley reported that the Committee has been reviewing the new handbook manuscript provided by the Provost and recommends its adoption. There are many changes from the last handbook which were required by changes in the Board of Control Policy and other changes in Administration.

Provost Whitten reported that the manuscript is presently being reviewed by the University's General Council which is delaying the publishing of the handbook. The review may result in some changes. Provost Whitten said he will contact the Committee with changes when it is returned.

H. University Computer Committee - No report.


Reports from University Committees

A. University Planning - No report.

B. University Committee on Campus-Wide Computer Strategy

Senator Suits provided a report (Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office) for the Committee. He also reported that the Committee is in limbo since they recommended the Committee be dissolved and a University Computer Committee be established. However, President Stein has not yet acted on the recommendation.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

President Shapton passed the gavel to President Adler who conducted the new business.

A. Proposal 1-90, Doctor of Philosophy in Rhetoric and Technical Communications

The proposal (Appendix D - Available by Request from the Senate Office) was approved unanimously.

B. Other New Business

  1. President Adler noted that the Quality of University Life Task Force work needs to be reevaluated.
  2. Senator Shapton asked the senators to seek and provide input on the mission statement of the Marketing Task Force.

President Adler adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
David B. Sprague, Secretary