Operating Procedures Manual

Chapter 5. Board of Trustees/Governmental Relations
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5.2.2. Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act


Lobbying Contact: Oral or written communication to a covered executive branch or legislative branch official with regard to the formulation, modification, or adoption of legislation or a federal rule, regulation, policy or position of the United States, or the administration of a federal program (including the negotiation, award, or administration of a federal contract, grant, loan, permit, or license).

Lobbying Activities: Lobbying contacts and efforts in support of lobbying contacts, including preparation and planning, research and other background work intended, at the time it is performed, for use in such contacts.

General Information

The Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act took effect on January 1, 1996 and requires universities to register and report on their federal lobbying contacts and activities.

It is necessary to realize that any dealings with any federal officials can be construed as lobbying. Therefore, anyone who has contact with federal officials must report their activities to the vice president for governmental relations. The office of Governmental Relations will track Michigan Tech's lobbying contacts and activities and submit the required reports to ensure that Michigan Tech complies with the Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act.


After having contact with any federal official, do the following:

  1. Contact the office of Governmental Relations at 7-2318 and request a Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act Lobbying Contacts/Activities form.

  2. Complete the form or send the following information by e-mail to jkhayden@mtu.edu:

    1. Name, title, and department of person who made contact with the federal official
    2. date of contact
    3. federal agency contacted
    4. issues addressed
Adopted: 09/14/2001
Revised: 05/04/2015 Board of Control is now Board of Trustees.
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